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宁波市海曙区人民检察院,坚持以“三个代表”重要思想为指导,突出“强化法律监督,维护公平正义”主题,依法履行检察职责,各项检察工作都得到全面的发展,先后获得全国检察宣传先进集体、省“五好”检察院、市先进检察院、市、区两级文明单位、区先进党组织等殊荣。2005年1月被省委、省政府命名为省级文明单位。 在创建文明单位活动中,海曙区人民检察院紧紧围绕《人民检察院基层建设纲要》和省、市级文明单位的创建要求,以领导班子建设、执法规范化和队伍专业化建设为重点,从六个方面着手建立健全符合新形势下检察工作特点及发展规律的长效管理机制。 一是抓龙头,建设率先垂范的好班子。突出抓好院党组的思想政治建设,重点强调和强化领导干部的自律与监督,认真落实中心组理论学习和民主生活会制度,在工作、学习、作风和廉洁自律等方面充分发挥示范带头作用,切实增强班子的凝聚力、战斗力和创造力。二是抓业务,力争各项工作更上新台阶。2003年以来,共审查批捕各类刑事犯罪案件1033件1354人,提起公诉1134件1506人,判决有罪率达到100%,巩固深化“严打”整治斗争成果;立案查办贪污、受贿、徇私舞弊等职务犯罪案件23件,其中处级领导干部要案7件,挽回经济损失310余万元,同时扎实推进刑事诉讼监督和职务犯罪预防工作。三是抓根本,打造素质过硬的检察队伍。依托“强化法律监督,维护公平正义”专项教育、检察效能建设、“建设学习型检察院,锻造知识型检察官”活动、保持共产党员先进性教育等丰富而有效的载体,从政治、业务、作风三个层面促使全院干警转观念、强素质、严执法。 People's Procuratorate of Haishu District, Ningbo City, adhere to the important thought of “Three Represents” as guidance, highlighting the theme of “strengthening legal supervision and safeguarding fairness and justice”, perform procuratorial duties in accordance with the law, and all procuratorial work has been fully developed. Propaganda advanced collectives, provincial “five good” Procuratorate, advanced city procuratorate, city and district level civilized units, the district advanced party organizations and other awards. January 2005 was the provincial party committee and provincial government named the provincial civilized unit. In creating activities of civilized units, Haishu District People's Procuratorate closely focus on the “People's Procuratorate grassroots building program” and the provincial and municipal civilized units to create requirements, with the leading group construction, standardization of law enforcement and team specialization as the focus, from six In the aspect of establishing and perfecting a long-term management mechanism that conforms to the characteristics and development law of procuratorial work in the new situation. First, focus on leading the construction of a good example of decent team. We will give prominence to the ideological and political building of the academic and party groups, emphasize and strengthen the self-discipline and supervision of leading cadres, conscientiously implement the system of theoretical study and the democratic life of the central group, give full play to the leading role in the fields of work, study, style of work and honesty and self-discipline, Effectively enhance the cohesion, combat effectiveness and creativity of the team. The second is to grasp the business and strive to make the work a new level. Since 2003, a total of 1,033 cases of arresting and arresting various types of criminal offenses have been examined and prosecuted, with 1134 cases prosecuted and 1506 prosecutors prosecuted. The conviction rate has reached 100%. The consolidation and deepening of the “hard strike” rectification and struggle struggle have resulted in the investigation and prosecution of corruption, bribery and malpractices 23 criminal cases, including seven leading cadres at the department level, saved more than 310 million yuan of economic losses, and at the same time, they steadily pushed forward criminal procedure supervision and prevention of job crimes. Third, grasp the fundamental, to create excellent quality procuratorial team. Relying on the special education of “strengthening legal supervision and safeguarding fairness and justice”, procuratorial efficiency building, “building learning procuratorates and forging knowledge-based prosecutors” activities and keeping advanced education of Communists, Three levels to promote police officers and men throughout the hospital turn concept, strong quality, strict enforcement.
2009年5月16日云南巧家县村民李昌奎奸杀18岁少女王家飞后摔死其3岁的弟弟王家红2009年5月20日李昌奎到四川省普格县城关派出所投案自首 May 16, 2009 Yunnan Qiaojia Count
这是继“大舜”号海难之后,渤海发生的又一起惨剧……这是“海救”1号海上搜救演习一个月零两天后,对海上搜救部门一次实实在在的考验…… This is another tragedy in the