农药市场量足价稳 个别品种略有波动

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据农业部农药检定所监测,春季农药市场逐渐进入旺季,总体呈现量足价稳态势,用量最大的除草剂价格波动较大。华南地区除草剂市场比较活跃,草甘膦、百草枯、草铵膦等销售旺盛。受供求关系及原药价格下降双重影响,草甘膦市场价格小幅下跌。华北地区除草剂市场总体平稳,个别品种波动较大。因抗性问题,苯磺隆销售量比去年同期减少30%,而炔草酯、唑草酮等销售量上涨近50%。华北地区杀虫剂、杀菌剂产品仍处于铺货阶段。零售环节氧乐果、氯氟氰菊酯、阿维菌素等 According to the Ministry of Agriculture monitoring of pesticide testing, the pesticide market in spring gradually into the peak season, the overall volume of the full steady-state potential, the largest amount of herbicides volatile prices. The herbicide market in southern China is relatively active with strong sales of glyphosate, paraquat and glufosinate. The market price of glyphosate fell slightly due to the relationship between supply and demand and the drop in the price of the original drug. The herbicide market in North China was generally stable with a few individual varieties. Due to resistance issues, the sales of tribenuron-methyl decreased by 30% over the same period of last year, while the sales of clodronate and oxacillin were up nearly 50%. North China insecticides, fungicides products are still in the distribution stage. Omethoate retail chain, cyhalothrin, abamectin and so on
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