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目的对2013—2014年南京地区放射从业人员个人剂量监测中数据异常的原因进行分析,以便采取应对措施。方法采用热释光法,对个人剂量监测结果进行统计分析。结果共计发现105人次个人剂量异常,其中从事诊断放射学工作的从业人员占48.6%(51/105),从事介入放射学的占21.9%(23/105)。多数异常剂量在5 m Sv以下,且60.9%的剂量异常并非实际受照。使用不规范剂量计者占56.2%;工作量大、防护差的占33.3%。结论导致剂量异常的主要原因是防护差和使用剂量计不规范,应加强管理力度。 Objective To analyze the causes of abnormal data in personal dose monitoring for radiation workers in Nanjing area from 2013 to 2014 in order to take countermeasures. Methods The method of thermoluminescence was used to analyze the results of personal dose monitoring. Results A total of 105 personal dose abnormalities were found. Among them, 48.6% (51/105) engaged in diagnostic radiology and 21.9% (23/105) engaged in interventional radiology. Most abnormal doses are below 5 mSv, and 60.9% of dose anomalies are not actually irradiated. The use of non-standard dosimeter accounted for 56.2%; heavy workload, poor protection accounted for 33.3%. Conclusion The main reason leading to abnormal dose is poor protection and the use of dosimeter is not standardized, should strengthen management efforts.
北京市楹联研究会会长齐一飞同志因病医治无效,于一九九六年十二月廿九日上午七时二十分在北京病逝,享年八十二岁。 齐一飞同志生前任北京市财政局副局长、北京市人大常委会
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