
来源 :国资报告 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:JeffreyHua
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盐业体制改革对于企业而言,既是挑战也是机遇。而在中国盐业董事长李耀强看来,其中更多的是机遇。今年五月初,国务院印发盐业体制改革方案,正式开启了盐业改革的大幕。对于盐业企业来说,改革冲击扑面而来,行业格局面临深刻变化,既有挑战,也有机遇。这其中,不得不提的就是中国盐业总公司(以下简称“中盐”)。作为唯一一家以盐的生产销售为核心 The reform of the salt industry system is both a challenge and an opportunity for enterprises. Li Yaoqiang, chairman of China’s salt industry, appears to be more of an opportunity. In early May this year, the State Council issued a program of reform of the salt industry and officially opened the curtain of salt reform. For the salt industry, the impact of reform is blowing in the face of profound changes in the industry structure, both challenges and opportunities. Among them, I must mention is China Salt Industry Corporation (hereinafter referred to as “salt”). As the only one to salt production and sales as the core
通过对比几种常用的工业燃料,简要介绍了煤制清洁工业燃气在建陶行业的应用前景。 By comparing several commonly used industrial fuels, briefly introduces the applica
运用数理知识灵活而巧妙地解决极值问题,对培养思维能力和解题能力,很有帮助.本文特介绍几种求解的方法,以供参考. 一、用常规法求极值这种方法是同学们常见而又用得最多的.
题目 设a1 、a2 、m1 、m2 均为正实数 ,且m1 +m2 =1.求证 :m1 a1 +m2 a2 ≥m1 a1 +m2 a2 .证明 ∵a1 、a2 、m1 、m2 均为正实数 ,且m1 +m2 =1.要证 :  m1 a1 +m2 a2 ≥
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通过“灭非灵”对尼罗罗非鱼(Oreochromis niloticus)(体重为34.65±5.69 g)的急性毒性试验及对鳃、肝、肾的组织学研究,从组织学角度探讨了“灭非灵”对尼罗罗非鱼的致死机
2.柱状黄杆菌病【病原体】柱状黄杆菌(Flavobacterium columnare)。曾用有鱼害黏球菌(Myxococcus piscicola Lu,Nie&Ko,1975)、柱状屈桡杆菌(Flexibacter columnaris)和柱状
三、购物打折问题 .本类关键是掌握折率是在售价的基础上进行的例 5某商场对顾客实行优惠 ,规定 :①如一次购物不超过 2 0 0元 ,则不予折扣 ;②如一次购物超过 2 0 0元但不超