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党的作风,关系党的形象,关系人心向背,关系党的生命。我们党从建党的那一天起,就十分重视加强党的思想作风、学风、工作作风、领导作风和干部生活作风建设。党的优良传统和作风,是我们治党治国的传家宝。当前,我们要认真学习胡锦涛总书记在第十七届中央纪委第三次全会上的重要讲话精神,把改进党员干部作风作为推动科学发展的重要切入点,增强立党为公、执政为民的自觉性和坚定性,认真解决理论脱离实际、作风飘浮、弄虚作假、对群众疾苦漠不关心等问题,大力发扬艰苦奋斗精神,勤俭办一切事业,求真务实,真抓实干,切实做到政治坚定、作风优良、纪律严明、勤政为民、恪尽职守、清正廉洁,为保持经济平稳较快发展,开创中国特色社会主义事业新局面,提供强有力的政治保证和作风保证。浙江省委、省政府按照中央的要求和部署,紧密结合本省实际,从2007年开始就积极采取一系列有效措施,通过开展“作风建设年”等活动,加强和改进广大党员干部特别是领导干部作风,问政于民,问需于民,问计于民,从而密切了党群关系、干群关系,促进了当地经济社会的全面发展,树立了党和政府的良好形象。 The party’s work style has a bearing on the party’s image and on the relationship between the public and the people and on the party’s life. From the very day when the party was founded, our party attached great importance to strengthening the party’s ideological style, style of study, work style, leadership style and work style construction of the cadres. The excellent tradition and style of the party are the heirlooms of our party governing the country. At present, we must conscientiously study the important speech made by General Secretary Hu Jintao at the Third Plenary Session of the 17th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, regard the improvement of party members and cadres’ work style as an important starting point for promoting scientific development, and enhance the party’s principle of serving the interests of the public and the government Conscientiously and steadfastly resolutely solve the problems of theory being out of practice, floating in style, resorting to fraud and being indifferent to the suffering of the masses, vigorously carrying forward the spirit of arduous struggle, doing everything in a diligent and thrifty manner, seeking truth and being pragmatic, practicing hard work, earnestly resolutely resolutely and practically Good and disciplined, hardworking and serving the people, performing their duties honestly, honestly and cleanly, and in order to maintain a steady and rapid economic development, create a new situation in the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics and provide a strong guarantee of political and work style. In accordance with the requirements and deployment of the Central Government and in line with the actual conditions in our province, Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and the provincial government have taken active measures in 2007 to carry out “Year of Work Building” and other activities to strengthen and improve the work of the majority of Party members and cadres, Leading the cadre’s work style, asking the government and people, asking for help from the people, and asking the people about the plan of the people so as to keep the relationship between the party and the masses close and the relationship between the cadres and the masses close. This has promoted the all-round economic and social development of the localities and set a good image for the party and the government.
介绍了一种基于ActiveX构件设计可视化农业专家系统开发平台(VAESDP)的方法,重点分析了Delphi环境下实现构件集成的关键技术,并给出了具体实例. A method of designing Visual Agricultural Expert S