The Sustainable Development of ICTs in China:An Empirical Study of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise

来源 :Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xqxcb
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The wide application of new information and communication technologies(ICTs) has been argued to be critical to business success of small and medium-sized enterprises(SMEs) ,especially to those in the developing countries.Drawing upon existing literature,this article will examine the determinants of ICTs application in SMEs in China based on data collected from interviews with top managers and/or owners of 70 SMEs.We identify 20 factors affecting ICTs application in SMEs in China and divide them into four broad categories,namely pressures,firm specific factors,technical factors and local milieu.We also pay special attention to the Chinese business environment affecting ICTs application.Our analysis shows that local ICT infrastructure,external pressures from competitors and ICT knowledge of employees are the determinants of Internet application by SMEs,while product characteristics and market target are important factors of e-commerce adoption. The wide application of new information and communication technologies (ICTs) has been defied to be critical to business success of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), especially to those in the developing countries. Drawing on upon existing literature, this article will examine the determinants of ICTs application in SMEs in China based on data collected from interviews with top managers and / or owners of 70 SMEs.We identify 20 factors affecting ICTs application in SMEs in China and divide them into four broad categories, ie pressures, firm specific factors , technical factors and local milieu.We also pay pay special attention to the Chinese business environment affecting ICTs application. Our analysis shows that local ICT infrastructure, external pressures from competitors and ICT knowledge of employees are the determinants of Internet application by SMEs, while product characteristics and market target are important factors of e-commerce adoption.
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