高三生活是怎样的?挣扎在反复的时间里,在时间里反复的挣扎…… 0:00,开始洗漱,准备休息;0:05,久未更新的干瘪牙膏这次坚决拒绝被挤出任何一点;0:06,偷偷地拿室友的牙膏时被碰巧来上厕所的牙膏主人撞见,挤牙膏的同时也挤给他一个尴尬的笑容;0:10,写一张“明天买牙膏”的纸条贴在床头,发现床头已经贴着同样的纸条三张;0:15,没睡着,回忆今天政治辅导班上老师讲的事物发展的内外因原理,想不通牙膏用完了的内因是什
Struggling in repeated times, repeated struggles in time ... 0:00, began to wash, ready to rest; 0:05, long time not to renew the deflated toothpaste this time firmly refused to be squeezed out any point; 0:06, secretly get roommate toothpaste was accidentally came to the toilet toothpaste owner crashed, squeezing toothpaste at the same time crowded to him an awkward smile; 0:10, write a “buy toothpaste tomorrow,” the paper 0:15, did not fall asleep, memories of today's political counseling class teacher talk about the development of things both inside and outside the principle, can not figure out the internal cause of toothpaste run out what's it