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近几年来,出现了两种新的外延技术:分子束外延(MBE)和金属有机物化学汽相淀积(MOCVD)。这两种新技术提供了用常规方法制作高性能异质结构的可能性。同时许多器件也将由此而受益,受益最大的将是双极型晶体管。其根本的主要原理是,除电场外,利用禁带宽度的变化来分别地和相互独立地控制作用于电子和空穴上的力。其结果将使器件设计获得更大的自由度,可对器件的掺杂浓度和几何结构重新进行优化设计,从而导致更高速器件的出现。最大振荡频率高于100GHz的微波晶体管和开关时间低于10ps的数字开关晶体管将成为可能。在顶部具有小集电区和在下部具有较大的发射区的倒置晶体管结构已可制成。其速度性能优于发射区在上部的通常结构。发射区和集电区均为宽禁带的双异质结构晶体管还具有其它的优点。在饱和状态下,它们显示出更好的性能。只要改变偏压条件,就能使双异质结的发射极和集电极互换,大大简化了双极集成电路的几何结构。本文以异质结构I~2和ECL为例进行了讨论。由于FET使得化合物半导体器件占有目前的绝对统治地位的时代似乎应该结束了。双极型器件至少可扮演相同的角色,也很可能形成主流。 In recent years, two new epitaxial technologies have emerged: MBE and MOCVD. These two new technologies offer the possibility of making high-performance heterostructures using conventional methods. Many devices will also benefit from this, the most benefit will be the bipolar transistor. The fundamental principle is that, in addition to the electric field, the forces acting on the electrons and holes are controlled separately and independently from each other by utilizing the change of the forbidden band width. As a result, greater freedom is given to the design of the device, and the doping concentration and geometry of the device can be re-optimized, resulting in higher-speed devices. Microwave transistors with maximum oscillation frequencies above 100 GHz and digital switching transistors with switching times below 10 ps will be possible. Inverted transistor structures having a small collector region at the top and a larger emitter region at the bottom have been made. Its speed performance is superior to the usual structure of the launch area in the upper part. Double heterostructure transistors with a wide bandgap in both the emitter and collector regions also have other advantages. At saturation, they show better performance. As long as the bias conditions are changed, the emitter and collector of the double heterojunction can be interchanged, greatly simplifying the geometry of the bipolar integrated circuit. In this paper, heterostructures I ~ 2 and ECL as an example were discussed. The era of FETs that make the compound semiconductor device occupy the current absolute dominance seems to be over. Bipolar devices can play at least the same role, is also likely to form the mainstream.