
来源 :辽宁农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:winwo408
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第四次全国高粱科研协作会议,由辽宁省农科院、山西省农科院主持,于1986年2月27日至3月2日在沈阳召开。参加会议的有来自中国农科院、中国科学院遗传所、水保所及14个省市(自治区)的46个科研、教学、生产和管理部门的代表84人。中国农科院任志副院长出席了会议,并讲了话。“六五”期间,由于农村产业结构和种植业结构的调整,全国高粱种植面积比前一个五年计划年均减少了24.2%,年均单产从149公斤上升到187.5公斤,总产量保持平衡。随着 The Fourth National Sorghum Scientific Collaboration Conference, hosted by Liaoning Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, was held in Shenyang from February 27 to March 2, 1986. There were 84 representatives from 46 research, teaching, production and management departments of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Institute of Genetics and Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, and 14 provinces (autonomous regions). Ren Zhi, vice president of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences attended the meeting and spoke. During the “Sixth Five-Year Plan” period, due to the adjustment of rural industrial structure and planting structure, the area of ​​sorghum cultivation in the whole country decreased by 24.2% over the previous five-year plan and the average annual yield increased from 149kg to 187.5kg with the total output balanced. along with
贵县地处桂东南,属亚热带气候,年平均气温21.5℃,年平均降雨量1462毫米,年平均太阳总辐射106.9千卡/厘米~2,无霜期短,水、光、热(温)条件适宜发展甘蔗生长。 Guixian Count
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