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一、开发型院所经济自立的途径机电部机械口共有56个开发型研究所。改革开放以来,在政策引导和经济杠杆的作用下,各所都增加了为经济建设服务和按经济规律办事的自觉性。它们拓宽了任务来源,逐步改变了以往那种依附于政府机构、独立于企业之外、单纯靠国家拨款搞科研的封闭状态,开始以多种形式进入经济。有的所向科研、生产经营一体化方向发展;有的所与企业进行各种形式的合作;有的所进入了企业;还有一些所寻求国际合作的途径。改革中的另一重要趋势是,不少所建立了自己的中试基地,开发了自己的拳头产品;有的所加强了成果的技术配套,将软件和硬件一并向企业转让。这都表明这些研究所科研实力和经济实力开始在增强。但在上述改革中也存 First, the development of institutions of economic self-reliance Mechanical and Electrical Department of mechanical mouth a total of 56 research institutes. Since the introduction of the policy of reform and opening up, under the guidance of policies and economic levers, all the agencies have increased their awareness of serving economic construction and acting according to economic laws. They have broadened the sources of their missions and gradually changed the closed status of past research projects that rely solely on government agencies, independent of enterprises, and simply relied on state funding to start entering the economy in various forms. Some have been directed toward the integration of scientific research, production and management; some have carried out various forms of cooperation with enterprises; some have entered into enterprises; and others have sought ways of international cooperation. Another important trend in the reform is that many have set up their own pilot bases and developed their own high-quality products. Some have strengthened the technical support for the achievements and transferred the software and hardware to the enterprises. All this shows that the research strength and economic strength of these institutes are beginning to increase. But in the above reforms also exist
工资的共决机制在中国劳动力市场已然势在必行。这种机制将是政府避免对市场微观领域进行事无巨细的行政干预的唯一可行的替代机制。 The wage-fixing mechanism in the Chi
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