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[热点述评]20世纪60年代以来,伴随着社会结构、政治经济体制的变革,中西方的艺术都发生了深刻的改变。至今,每个人的心中仍然有着不同的关于“当代艺术”的解读,这种不确定性似乎已成为当代艺术的身份标志之一。与此相关的是,批评家、理论家往往避开艺术价值的判断,直接进入更为直观的形式风格的分析,由此导致的结果之一就是当代艺术理论的极度匮乏。因此,回归文化核心和艺术史视野来反思当代艺术的“当代性”就成为必要之举。本期参与讨论的理论家、批评家们从各自的思想维度为我们呈现出他们对于“当代性”的思考,包括当代艺术几种不同的产生时间、当代性建立的基础,如何评判当代性、谁来塑造当代艺术的当代性等一系列相关问题。更加全面的是,我们还能听到两位从事当代艺术创作的艺术家的切身之感。希望这些真诚的声音能够为我们观察 [Hot Comments] Since the 1960s, profound changes have taken place in both Chinese and Western art along with changes in social structure and political and economic systems. To this day, everyone still has different interpretations of “contemporary art” in their hearts. This uncertainty seems to have become one of the hallmarks of contemporary art. Relevant to this, critics and theorists often evade the judgment of artistic value and go directly to the analysis of the more intuitive formal style. One of the consequences of this is that the contemporary art theory is extremely scarce. Therefore, it is necessary to return to the cultural core and the perspective of art history to reflect on the “contemporaryity” of contemporary art. The theoreticians and critics participating in the discussion present us their thinking on “contemporaryity ” from their own thinking dimensions, including several different times of generation of contemporary art, the foundation of contemporary sexuality, and how to judge contemporary Sexuality, who will shape the contemporary nature of contemporary art and a series of related issues. More comprehensively, we also hear the personal touch of two artists engaged in contemporary art. I hope these sincere voices can be observed by us
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