
来源 :今日畜牧兽医 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:WSFLTS
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本刊讯9月12日,第五届中国兽药大会在沈阳国际会展中心隆重开幕,河北团作为集体参展的团队之一,以全新的创意,全新的表达,全新的呈现带给了所有参加会议的行业领导和同仁难以忘怀的参展体验。本次代表团由河北省兽药监察所所长、河北省动保协会秘书长赵彦岭亲自带队,来自省内的37家优秀企业董事长、总经理及相关高管全部到场参加。 On September 12, the 5th China Veterinary Medicine Conference was grandly opened in Shenyang International Convention and Exhibition Center. As one of the teams participating in the exhibition, Hebei Youth League brought all participants to the conference with new ideas, new expressions and brand-new presentations The industry leaders and colleagues unforgettable exhibition experience. The delegation led by Hebei Province Veterinary Drug Administration, Hebei Province, Zhao Dongling Animal Insurance Association personally led the province from the 37 outstanding chairman, general manager and related executives all attended the meeting.