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目的 从不同的部位比较前牙牙冠之间颜色的差别。方法 采用CIE1 976L a b 色度参数 ,应用带光纤探头的人体牙齿颜色测量系统对 1 94 4颗被测者前牙的切、中、颈部位进行测量分析。结果 ①牙冠颜色与牙位有关 ;②左右侧前牙的颜色对称 ;③上前牙以上中切牙明度最大 ,尖牙明度最小颜色最黄且偏红 ,上前牙颈 1 / 3明度相近。上切牙间切 1 / 3、颈 1 / 3色相彩度相同。中 1 / 3除上中切牙与侧切牙在a 上较接近外 ,明度、色相均有差别 ;④下切牙明度大于上切牙 ,上下尖牙在颈 1 / 3明度基本接近 ,上下切牙间在切 1 / 3颜色基本接近 ;⑤下切牙间在中 1 / 3、切 1 / 3处明度相近 ,而在颈 1 / 3处有差别 ,在中 1 / 3、颈 1 / 3处b 值相近 ,在切 1 / 3处b 值有差别。结论 左右侧前牙在颜色上对称。牙冠颜色与牙位有关。 Objective To compare the color differences between the anterior crowns from different parts. Methods The CIE1 976L a b chromaticity parameters were used to measure and measure the anterior teeth incision, middle and neck position of 1 94 4 persons by using the human dental color measurement system with optical fiber probe. Results ① The color of the crown was related to the position of the tooth; ② The color of the left and right anterior teeth was symmetrical; ③ The maxillary incisor was maximally incisive in the upper anterior teeth; . Upper incisors cut 1/3, neck 1/3 hue the same color. In 1/3 except on the incisors and lateral incisors in a closer to the outside, the lightness, hue are different; ④ lower incisor incisors greater than the incisors, upper and lower incisors in the neck 1/3 brightness is basically close to the upper and lower incisors Between the cut 1/3 the color is basically close; ⑤ between the lower incisors in 1/3, cut 1/3 at a similar brightness, while the neck 1/3 at a difference in 1/3, 1/3 at the neck b Similar values, cut in 1/3 b value difference. Conclusion The left and right anterior teeth are symmetrical in color. Crown color and dental position.
1925年,在德国一个叫维尔西茨的小镇上,一位13岁的少年用6支特大的烟火绑在他的滑板车上,然后,他点燃了导火线。烟火的爆炸 In 1925, a 13-year-old boy was tied to his sc
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