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电力产业是对社会经济发展影响较大、在结构上又十分复杂的基础设施产业。在系统的电力市场化改革中,电价管制改革既是改革的关键环节,又是整个市场化改革的核心。因此,在协调推进电力市场化改革的同时,尤其要重点解决好电价管制改革的问题。笔者认为,电价管制改革的目标必须和电力市场化改革的目标相一致,电力价格既要真实反映企业的边际成本,同时又能够使投资者经过有效地经营得到合理的投资回报,以利于促进电力产业的可持续发展。 一、我国电价管制的历史与现状 (一)我国电价管制政策的历史回顾 从建国到改革开放初期我国实行的是全国统一的电价制度,电力项目由国 The power industry is an infrastructure industry that has a great impact on social and economic development and is structurally very complex. In the system of electricity market reform, price control reform is not only a key link in the reform, but also the core of the entire market-oriented reform. Therefore, while coordinating and promoting the marketization reform of electricity market, we should especially focus on solving the problem of electricity tariff reform. In my opinion, the goal of electricity tariff reform must be consistent with the goal of electricity market-oriented reform. Electricity prices should not only reflect the actual marginal costs of enterprises, but also enable investors to operate effectively to get a reasonable return on investment to facilitate the promotion of electricity Sustainable development of the industry. First, China’s electricity price control history and status (A) China’s electricity price control policy from the historical review From the founding of China to the early reform and opening up the implementation of a unified national tariff system, the power project by the country
在我国深化经济改革、企业改革的进程中 ,如何塑造良好的人文精神 ,培育良好的创业意识、创业气氛、创业心理、创业精神 ,是关系到我国政府机构改革、国有经济战略重组的一个
各位领导、各位同行: 南方省市工会劳动保护协作交流会议,经过我们在座的各位代表的共同努力,首次会议今天正式在我们上海召开了,请允许我代表上总劳动保护部向远道而来的各
鸡粪中的有机质含量占25.5%,氮、磷、钾含量分别为1.63%、1.54%和0.82%,在农家肥中居首位。鸡粪中的氮、磷、钾不仅含量丰富,而且比例适中,是很好的复合肥料。 Organic manure