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蔬菜生产和销售中所讲的毛豆,实质是指未成熟大豆的豆荚。毛豆不仅营养丰富,味道鲜美,而且烹调简单,食用方便,多年来一直是上海经济区人民喜爱的蔬菜。到目前为止,上海经济区使用的毛豆品种可分为三种类型:1、当地春大豆早熟种,其代表品种有上海早红芒、苏州五月毛、奔牛青豆等。80年代后期,江苏省农科院培育的春大豆新品种宁镇1号、宁镇3号等也有一定的种植面积。这些品种的共同特点是:都属当地春大豆品种,感光性较弱,感温性较强,需完成一定的有效积温才能开花结实。采用温床育苗移栽或地膜覆盖栽培,可提早上市。2、外引品种,北方春大豆品种引至本区春播,成熟较早,但产量较低。3、当地夏大豆品种,一般可从6月初播至7月中旬,该类品种的特点是感光性较强,需待日照长度缩短到一定长度后才能正常开花结实。春大豆新品系灰荚2号,综合了原来当地春大豆豆荚产量较高,东北引进春大豆成熟较早的优点,克服了原来当地春大豆豆粒较小,东北引入种产量较低的缺点,是一个鲜荚产量高、籽粒大、茸毛灰色、深受消费者欢迎的上海经济区春大豆毛豆新品系。 一、灰荚2号的特征 灰荚2号由江苏省农科院经作所用沔98和宁镇1号杂交育成。该品种亚有限结荚习性,株高70- 80cm,茎粗0. 7- 0.8cm,结荚高度 12- 14cm,主茎13-14节 Soybeans mentioned in vegetable production and sales refer to immature soybean pods. Green soybean is not only nutritious, delicious, and cooking is simple, easy to eat, for many years has been Shanghai People’s favorite vegetables. Up to now, the soybean varieties used in Shanghai Economic Zone can be divided into three types: 1, the local spring soybean precocious species, the representative varieties are Shanghai early Hongmang, Suzhou May fur, Benniu green beans. In the late 1980s, the new spring soybean cultivars cultivated by Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Ningzhen No. 1 and Ningzhen No. 3, also had certain planting areas. The common features of these varieties are: all spring soybean varieties are local, the photosensitive is weak, strong sense of temperature, to be effective in a certain amount of temperature to blossom strong. Using hotbed nursery transplanting or mulching cultivation, can be listed earlier. 2, the introduction of varieties, the introduction of spring spring soybean varieties in the northern spring, mature earlier, but lower yields. 3, the local summer soybean varieties, generally broadcast from early June to mid July, this species is characterized by a strong photosensitivity, to be shortened to a certain length of the sunshine to flowering and fruiting. Spring soybean new line gray pod 2, integrated the original local spring soybean yield higher pods, the introduction of spring soybean in the Northeast mature earlier advantages to overcome the original local spring soybeans smaller, the introduction of Northeast introduced the shortcomings of low yield is A fresh pod high yield, large grains, gray hair, welcomed by consumers in Shanghai Economic Zone, a new soybean spring soybeans. First, the characteristics of gray pod No. 2 Gray pod No. 2 by the Jiangsu Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences by the 沔 98 and Ningzhen No. 1 hybrid breeding. The variety of sub-limited pod habit, plant height 70-80cm, stem diameter 0. 7- 0.8cm, pod height 12- 14cm, the main stem 13-14
通过过去和近几年对罗布麻和戈宝麻一些研究文献的分析表明,①罗布麻Apocynum venetum L.在我国几乎濒临灭绝,只有北疆少数地区尚有小面积分布.②新疆阿勒泰地区分布的罗布麻
日本锐缘蜱(Argas japonicus)的宿主为燕类,模式标本产自日本,我国于北京(邓国藩,1948)及长春(李芳,1980)曾自燕窝内采到。但在人的居室内出现并繁殖,由于它叮咬吸血而引起