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2016年已经过半,可对于国内大多数中小投资者来说,并没有过上几天好日子。A股市场的徘徊不前,基金、债市的萧条与惨淡,贵金属投资的镜花水月,房地产市场的前途未卜,民间借贷的风险累积,这一切都像是沉重的石头一样压在众多投资者的心头。资本市场不景气,实体经济的日子也不好过,尤其是一些传统产业的中小企业,由于自身体量难入银行法眼,只能依靠民间高息借贷艰难度日,融资难一直是中小企业发展难以突破的瓶颈。 It has been more than half in 2016, but for the majority of small and medium investors in China, it has not had a few days. A-share market stagnation, the recession and bleakness of the fund, the bond market, the long-term precious metals investment, the uncertain future of the real estate market, the accumulation of private lending risks all like a heavy stone like pressure on many investors . Due to the sluggish capital market and the real economy, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises in some traditional industries, it is difficult for small and medium-sized enterprises Break through the bottleneck.
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Three sediment cores were collected in November 2003 from Dagu estuary to Qikou estuary. The main polluted heavy metals in the sediment of tidal zones for the B
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陈志光1963出生于福建厦门1988毕业于福建师范大学美术系现工作生活于北京、福建参加国际、国内众多的个展及联展 Chen Zhiguang 1963 Born in Xiamen, Fujian 1988 Graduat