Kazanskaya Yarmarka Exhibition Center

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  Kazanskaya Yarmarka Exhibition Center is the only exhibition platform in the Republic of Tatarstan for the industrial and high-tech exhibitions in the Volga region and for the leading congress events of Russia and CIS. Kazanskaya Yarmarka Exhibition Center is in top 10 largest and developed exhibition centers of the Russian Federation.
  Achievements of Kazanskaya Yarmarka Exhibition Center are marked by the main professional exhibition societies in the world – Russian Union of Exhibitions and Fairs (RUEF), Global Association of Exhibition industry (UFI), International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA), Russian-German Chamber of Commerce, Association of European Businesses. The venue has the certificate of quality management system ISO 9001:2008, diplomas of Laureate and for the I prize in the field of convention events and exclusive stand construction given by “100 best Russian products and services” (2011-2015); diploma for “Great achievements in the quality of services” in the republican competition organized by the Government of Tatarstan in 2015.
  Kazanskaya Yarmarka Exhibition Center holds annually more than 55 exhibitions which receives over 8,000 companies from 36 countries. The largest exhibitions and convention events are: Tatarstan Oil, Gas& Petrochemicals Forum, Tatarstan International Automotive Forum TIAF, international exhibitions “Energy. Resource saving”, “Mechanical Engineering. Metal-working. Kazan”, “VolgaStroyExpo”, “Interplastica. Kazan” and technological exhibition “International Field Days in the Volga Region”.
  Annually Kazanskaya Yarmarka Exhibition Center provides full support for more than 400 events where participate representatives over 30 countries. 10 trade fairs of Kazanskaya Yarmarka Exhibition Center are marked by the sign of compliance RUEF (Russian Union of Exhibitions and Fairs) and 4 exhibitions are UFI approved events. It shows the importance of the exhibitions for the Russian economy.
  Gradual long-term activity of the Kazanskaya Yarmarka Exhibition Center leadership resulted in business contacts with the global exhibition companies in Europe and Asia, such as Messe Frankfurt GmbH, Messe Duesseldorf GmbH, IFWexpo Heidelberg GmbH, DLG (The German Agricultural Society), VDMA (The German Engineering Association), Business Media Russia and many others. After the long negotiations between Kazanskaya Yarmarka Exhibition Center and the Government of Xinjiang (China) in 2015 the center held international trade fair “The export goods and investments XUAR-2015”. This event was the first investment exhibition of Xuar in the Republic of Tatarstan. In the framework of the official delegation from the Republic of Tatarstan in April 2016 to Finland the leadership of Kazanskaya Yarmarka Exhibition Center has signed an agreement with the company “Tampere Trade Fairs Ltd.”
  Kazanskaya Yarmarka OJSC is the team of highly qualified specialists. Kazanskaya Yarmarka Exhibition Center is not only the leading regional exhibition center in Russia but also the co-organizer and event-agent of the large-scale sport and cultural events. Among them are: The Summer Universiade-2013, all-Russian Championship Worldskills-2014, Russian Logging Championship and The Executive Bureau of United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG). The great experience, qualified staff, innovative solutions in the sphere of events fully provide the project from the very beginning till the end.
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On 5 to 7, December, 2016, sponsored by China Council For The Promotion Of International Trade (CCPIT) and organized by China Chamber of International Commerce (CCOIC), the 4th China Trade Week (UAE)
2016年11月14-17日,全球最大的医院及医疗设备综合性展览会MEDICA及国际首屈一指的医疗制造业展会COMPAMED在德国杜塞尔多夫成功结束了四日的展出。凭借19个馆全部展出、超过5,000家展商、及近13万名专业观众的规模,两大展会再次为全球医疗技术产业的发展注入了一股强劲动力。  “当前,医疗技术企业愈加期待见到来自需求端的决策者,尤其是来自医院管理层及采购部门的决策者。MEDICA恰
The Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, the award-winning 306,000 sqm building, first opened in 1988, offers 91,500 sqm of rentable space. An iconic Hong Kong landmark, the Hong Kong Conventio
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1月27日,特朗普正式签署“穆斯林禁令”,宣布“暂时取消”来自伊拉克、伊朗、叙利亚、利比亚、索马里、苏丹和也门等7个伊斯兰国家公民的合法签证。消息一出,国际展览业协会(UFI)总裁顾桥博士通过协会发表声明表示,国际展览行业非常依赖于货物和思想的自由交换,而国际知名大展更是非常注重国际化程度的提升,遍邀全球各地企业,通过展会深度促进全球贸易的流通。他呼吁更多展览企业就此事发声。  无独有偶,针对政治
In January, CES 2017, the leading show in consumer electronics, took place in Las Vegas and welcomed 4,000 exhibitors and 20,000 trade visitors on a show floor of 240,000 square meters. At the show, w