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随着国家生产建设的不断发展,盲矿体的找矿工作,越来越成为地质勘探部门的重要任务。尤其在生产建设条件比较优越的地区,由于容易被发现的矿体多已开发,因而对盲矿体的找矿勘探,更显迫切,辽宁的实际情况就是如此。不仅一些老矿山是靠采盲矿持续生产的,而且在保建设方面,很大程度上也将需要靠盲矿体提供资源。 With the continuous development of national production and construction, the prospecting work of blind ore bodies has increasingly become an important task of the geological exploration department. Especially in the areas where production and construction conditions are comparatively superior, the discovery of blind orebodies is even more urgent due to the development of easily found ore bodies. This is exactly the case in Liaoning. Not only are some older mines producing sustainably through blind mining and, in the case of insurance construction, much will also need to be provided by blind ore bodies.
From time to time since 1929 occasional specimens of apparently charred or partly calcined animal bones have been recovered among the material excavated from t
That the geology cf the Chinese coal fields is becoming better and better known is evidenced by the numerous publications put out from tirne to time by the dif
As is well known, the first information on the coal-bearing strata of the Russian Far East and their characteristic fossil flora was given by the acadeinician
INTRODUCTION Before the Central Asiatic Expeditions was sent into Mongolia by the American Museum of Natural History in New York, the geology and palaeontology
The geological reconnaissance in the northwestern part of Kansu was undertaken during the five months from the end of June to the beginning of December, 1923,