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教育科研的实质就是对教育领域未知的问题做出解答。因此,进行教育科研的第一个环节就是确定科研课题。教育科研课题是一个有待于解决、验证或回答的问题。 一、科研课题的表述 科研课题的表述是十分关键的,如果表述不准确,就直接影响了研究的进行。 科研课题的表述要注意以下几点。 1.科研课题不宜用肯定的语句表述 课题表述不是论文题目的表述。课题是问题,要体现问题性,而 The essence of education and scientific research is to answer questions that are unknown in the field of education. Therefore, the first step in conducting educational research is to determine the scientific research topic. Educational research projects are problems that need to be solved, verified or answered. I. Expression of scientific research topics The expression of scientific research topics is very crucial. If the statements are inaccurate, it will directly affect the conduct of research. The following points should be noted in the presentation of scientific research topics. 1. Scientific research topics should not be expressed in terms of affirmative statements. The expression of topics is not an expression of the thesis title. The topic is a problem, and it must be problematic.
本文将利用向量法给出求解异面直线间的距离、点面距离、线面距离、面面距离的统一公式d =|AB·n|n ,能起到化隐为显、化难为易之作用 .1 求异面直线间的距离图 1 证明公式
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亚历山大·普希金是十九世纪俄国伟大的文学家,由于他在诗歌创作上取得的光辉成就,因而也被誉为“诗歌的太阳”。 Alexander Pushkin was a great Russian writer of the ni
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