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市场化的惊涛拍岸,震撼了大陆,老百姓一日梦醒,纷纷投身市道,为经济繁荣作出贡献。同时,也会产生困惑迷惘,为此,市场化的大潮也把高居象牙之塔研究纯理论的“经济学家们”卷入滚滚红尘之中,独领风骚十几年,发文章、作演讲、做顾问、指迷津,推动了经济的发展。 可惜,总有些学者专家,再简单的问题也不会简单地解答,而是浅入深出,或者干脆深入深出,结论玄奥,让人看不懂,直犯困,越看越糊涂。有些经济学家只会运用舶来品、生奥词或玄怪念,正如有人指出,“将吃饭之类的事写成《论食物进入人体所依据的人体器官运动及其牵动出的体内化学反应》,将这样的‘学术’译成大白话,看看浅不浅?”将本属常识的问题弄复杂,事实上是故玩深沉的一种矫情。 市场经济的一大功劳,即是对广大民众的一次经济学的大普及,把经济学这门看似高深玄奥的专家们的学问,推向 The marvelous march of the market has shaken the mainland and people wake up day by day and have joined the market one after another to contribute to economic prosperity. At the same time, it will also create perplexity and confusion. To this end, the tide of marketization has also brought “economists” who are purely theoreticalists in the study of the ivory tower into the doldrums and have been leading the ranks for more than a decade, sending articles, giving speeches and doing lectures Adviser, referring to maze, and promote economic development. Unfortunately, there are always some experts and scholars. Simple questions can not be simply answered. Instead, they are simply superficial or deep-rooted. Conclusions are mysterious and can not be understood. Some economists only use imported goods, raw words or mysterious monsters. As one pointed out, “writing such things as eating or drinking is based on the movement of human organs and the chemical reactions in the body that affect the food entering the human body.” Will this ’academic’ be translated into vernacular, take a look shallow? "The common sense of the problem get complicated, in fact, play a deep hypocritical. A great contribution to the market economy, that is, a general popularization of the economics of the general public, pushed the knowledge of the seemingly profound and profound experts in economics to
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