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唐君毅、牟宗三、徐复观,殷海光四位先生都是我的师友,他们在中国二十世纪的哲学史上都是有代表性的思想家:唐、牟、徐属于当代新儒家,殷属于当代自由主义。唐君毅先生贯通百家、东西比较,道德为本,以古为尚,体验与思辨并重;非常有教养,诲人不倦,心胸非常开阔,有很强烈的复兴中国文化的使命感,把做学问跟自己的生命成长联系在一起。牟宗三先生是西化的哲学家,是中国二十世纪哲学上成就最大的一个,也是原创力最丰富的一个。他第一个把中国传统的心性之学概念化、知识化、系统化,用西洋哲学的方式来表达;他思想中很大的重点,就在于他有一套中国的儒家模式,这就是“内圣”开出“新外王”。牟先生是一个有狂气的人,自恃非常高。他喜欢跟学生往来,爱护学生,超乎寻常;独来独往,生活非常单调;上课特别有条理,讲课讲得特别好,而且有热情。这就是他在哲学家之外,能带很多学生的契机。他的生活态度从容自在,是我一辈子都学不到的。我年轻时候的兴趣是搞中国文学,不喜欢搞哲学,完全是牟先生决定了我人生的道路,引导我走向学术思想道路。所谓感恩与怀念,最深的恩就在这儿。我一直以牟先生做模范来学习。徐复观先生一方面卫道,一方面又以自由主义论政,这是他思想的很重要的特征。他对中国文学和艺术的兴趣非常浓厚,这是其他哲学家比较少见的。徐复观先生具有勤奋自学的精神,充当知识分子的角色,担待时代的使命感。他没有教我怎么读书,有的就是一种身教。殷海光先生是台湾非常有代表性的一个自由主义者,是自由主义民主斗士的启蒙大师。他的自由主义不是研究自由主义,而是把自由主义宗教化,当宗教了,他整个生命都在里面。他的思想特征,就是西化。我一生的思想就是受这两个系统的影响,尤其是直接受他们四位先生的影响。韦政通能有今天,跟这四位先生的影响分不开;成就今天的韦政通,有四位先生的贡献在里面;愈到晚年我愈有深刻的体会。 Tang Junyi, Mou Zongsan, Xu Fuguan, and Yin Haiguang are all my mentors. All of them are representative thinkers in the history of Chinese philosophy in the 20th century: Tang, Mou and Xu belonged to contemporary Neo-Confucianism, and Yin belonged to contemporary freedom Doctrine Mr. Tang Junyi through hundreds of things, comparison of things, ethics, the ancient as yet, both experience and speculation; very educated, tireless, open minded, there is a very strong sense of rejuvenation of Chinese culture, the learning and their own The growth of life is linked together. Mr. Mou Zongsan is a westernized philosopher, one of the most accomplished philosophical achievements in China in the twentieth century and one of the most original in originality. He first conceptualized, learned and systematized the Chinese traditional psychology as a philosophical way of Western philosophy. The great emphasis in his thinking was that he had a set of Confucianism in China, which is called “ St. ”out “ new foreign king ”. Mou is a man with madness, presuming very high. He likes to deal with students, care for students, extraordinary; loner, life is monotonous; class is particularly organized, lectures particularly good, but also passion. This is an opportunity for him to bring along many students outside the philosophers. His attitude to life is comfortable, I can not learn all my life. When I was young, I was interested in Chinese literature. I did not like to engage in philosophy. It was entirely that Mou decided the path of my life and guided me to the path of academic thought. The so-called Thanksgiving and miss, the deepest grace is here. I’ve been studying with Mou as an example. On the one hand, Xu Fuguan, on the one hand, defended himself and on the other hand, liberalism was also a very important feature of his thinking. His interest in Chinese literature and art is very strong, which is rare among other philosophers. Mr. Xu Fuguan has the spirit of hardworking and self-learning, acting as an intellectual and bearing the mission of the times. He did not teach me how to study, some are a kind of skill. Mr. Yin Haiguang is a highly representative liberal in Taiwan and a master of enlightenment for liberal democrats. His liberalism is not about liberalism, but about liberalizing religions and religions, all of his life inside. His ideological feature is Westernization. The thoughts of my life are influenced by both systems, especially directly by their four gentlemen. Today, we can not separate the influence of these four gentlemen. The achievements of today’s Wei Zhengtong include the contributions of the four gentlemen. The more we experience the later years, the more profound our experience will be.
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