
来源 :化学通报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liangchq
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近数十年以来,各种新的工艺学过程,无线电工业的发展,原子能的掌握,半导体的应用等,提出了一项尖锐和迫切的要求,即要求对那些过去未受到广大化学家们注意的元素的化学进行详尽的研究。过去在化学出版界一直是处于平凡地位的无机化学,已经得到了长足和迅速发展的强大动力;因此,可以预料,首卷无机化学杂志的出版,将会大大地满足及时发表无机化学——早已成为科学中一个独立的和重要的部门——方面科学著作的需要。无机化学与普通化学和物理化学不同。无机化学方面的工作与其说是以认识支配物质行为的普遍规律为主,毋宁说是以研究某一元素的特征化学性质和物理性质的单独表现为主。对于这些性质的研究不仅不排斥,相反会导致各种规律的发现,其结果是使我们对化学科学的研究更深入一步。 In recent decades, various new technological processes, the development of radio industry, the possession of atomic energy and the application of semiconductors have put forward a sharp and urgent requirement that those who have not been paid attention by the vast majority of chemists in the past The elemental chemistry is studied in detail. In the past, inorganic chemistry, which has always been a commonplace in the chemical press, has gained momentum for growth and rapidity; therefore, it is to be expected that the publication of the first volume of Inorganic Chemistry will greatly satisfy the timely publication of Inorganic Chemistry - Become an Independent and Important Sector in Science - the Need for Scientific Works. Inorganic chemistry is different from normal chemistry and physical chemistry. The work of inorganic chemistry is not so much based on the common law of knowing and controlling the material behavior, but rather on the sole manifestation of studying the characteristic chemical and physical properties of an element. The study of these properties is not only not exclusive, on the contrary will lead to the discovery of various laws, the result is to make our further study of chemical science.
随着企业集团化发展战略的提出 ,各类企业集团如雨后春笋般发展起来 ,许多企业集团拥有全资、控股企业几十家甚至上百家 ,涉及各类行业和经济类型 ,发挥了企业集团的资源优势
 有关借款费用的会计处理,在国际上通常有两种做法: 一是“借款费用费用化”,即于发生时直接确认为当期费用, 二是“借款费用资本化”即将借款费用作为购置某项资产 的部分历史
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WHEN heads of economic colossi such as Sir John Bond, chairman of the SHBCGroup, Michael Treschow, chairman of Ericsson, Nick Scheele, president and chief oper
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