
来源 :中国酒 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fyishen
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糯米蒸熟后倒入酒缸,酿酒师傅们用木耙把米饭、酒药、麦曲搅拌均匀、车间里飘着浓浓的酒香……历经数十道手、工序,独特的黄酒香透过淡淡的烟雾,从有着300多年酿造史的绍兴鉴湖酿酒有限公司老厂区的角落里弥散开来,经久不息。这酒香,也流淌着绍兴黄酒绵延数千年的历史。黄酒、更是古城绍兴的一张“金名片”。早在1910年在南京举办的南洋劝业会上,沈永和酒坊酿制的绍兴酒获得金奖。1915年的 Glutinous rice steamed into the tank, the wine master with wooden rake to rice, wine, wheat song stir, floating in the workshop thick bouquet ...... After dozens of hands, the process of unique yellow wine Too light smoke, from the brewing history of Shaoxing Lake Winery Co., Ltd. 300 years old brewery Co., Ltd. corner dispersed, prolonged. This wine, but also flowing Shaoxing rice wine stretches for thousands of years of history. Rice wine, it is an ancient city of Shaoxing “gold card ”. As early as 1910, Nanyang Quanye held in Nanjing, Shen Yong He wine brewed Shaoxing wine won the gold medal. 1915’s
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案情简介 2002年9月26日,某中学退休教师王先生到某公安分局某派出所递交申请材料,要求将自己的姓名更改为“奥古辜耶”。11月5日,该公安分局告知王先生,对其变更姓名的申请
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