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最近,TI 公司把它拥有的一家台湾内存芯片加工厂的股份出售给 Acer 公司,以减弱内存芯片市场的动荡给它带来的影响。Acer 将以自己的名义继续经营这家加工厂,生产16MB 和64MB 内存芯片。TI 声称这次出售将使该公司能收回其最初投入成本,不过它拒绝透露交易的金额。在整个交易尚未完成的过渡时期,TI 将继续从此加工厂购买内存芯片。而 Acer 打算将这个现代化的加工厂变为一个铸造车间以生产其它比内存更有利可图的产品。TI 在此之前购买了 Hitachi 手中 TwinstarSemiconductor 的所有股份。分析家预计今后 TI 将把这个加工厂改为生产其它高利润部件的铸造厂。芯片的生产过剩和亚洲货币的贬值再加上一些其它因素,导致了目前16MB 和64MB 内存芯片的价格已跌至接近或低干成本价。TI 的发言人表示,这个加工厂的售出将使 TI 能更集中全力的实施其数字信号处理器(DSP)战略。TI 期望继1997年35%的增长率之后,1998年该公司能保持30%的收入增长。目前,DSP 的销售收入大约占 TI 总收入的45%。与 DSP 相比,内存产业现在成了 TI 的一个大包袱。1997年第三至第四季度之间内存芯片的价格下跌了40%,致使 TI 的芯片企业不断亏损。 Most recently, TI sold its stake in a Taiwanese memory chip plant owned by it to Acer to lessen its impact on the turmoil in the memory chip market. Acer will continue to run the plant in its own name, producing 16MB and 64MB of memory chips. TI claims the sale will allow the company to recover its initial cost of inputs, but it declined to disclose the amount of the transaction. TI will continue to purchase memory chips from this fab during the transitional period pending the completion of the transaction. And Acer plans to turn this modern factory into a foundry to produce other more memory-friendly products. TI had previously purchased all the shares of Twinstar Semiconductor in Hitachi’s hands. Analysts expect TI to change the mill to a foundry that produces other high-margin parts in the future. The over-production of chips and the devaluation of Asian currencies, combined with other factors, have resulted in the current price of 16MB and 64MB memory chips falling to near or below-average cost. TI’s spokesman said the sale of the fab will allow TI to focus more fully on its digital signal processor (DSP) strategy. TI expects the company to maintain 30% revenue growth in 1998 following the 35% growth rate in 1997. At present, DSP sales revenue accounts for about 45% of TI’s total revenue. Compared with the DSP, the memory industry has now become a big burden on TI. Memory chip prices fell 40% between the third and fourth quarters of 1997, causing TI’s chip makers to lose money.
作为国内康柏笔记本电脑最大的代理之一北大方正计算机公司向中国市场首次推出了 Armada 1592DT、Armada 7380DT 和 Armada 7792DT 三款康柏 Armada 系列商用笔记本电脑。至
1998年首创于浙江省绍兴市嵊州农村的《民情日记》曾在干部和群众之间架起了“连心桥”。然而六年之后的今天。这一被各地迅速效仿的活动却在基层遭遇到了尴尬—— In 1998