
来源 :历史语言学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:davidphoenix
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一部好的古漢語詞典應該具備三性:科學性、實用性、知識性。古漢語詞典編纂中應注意以下問題:(1)條目的選擇和字頭的處理:大型的字典、詞典是每一個不同的字形單列一條,異體字也分别列爲不同的條目。中小型詞典中,幾個異體字可作爲一個條目,用括弧標注。(2)義項的分合:對詞義概括性的處理,不同的固定意義應分立義項,上下文意義不應單立義項;對詞義引申的處理上,較近的引申可以放在一個義項中;較遠的引申,應該另立義項。(3)注音:大型的詞典的注音要比較完備,用漢語拼音注音,而且要表明古代韻書的反切。中小型的古漢語詞典可不收一些僻的讀音(相應的義也不收),用漢語拼音注音,不標反切。但一些在現代漢語中已經不用,而古書中較常見的音必須標明。(4)釋義:必須透徹地了解古漢語的詞義,注意詞義的時代性。(5)例句的選擇:例句應儘量比較明白易懂,還應考慮時代性和典型性。(6)詞典的文化内涵:適當聯繫字形説明本義,説明詞義之間的聯繫,説明語源,説明詞義的社會、文化背景,把一些有關文化常識的條目用“參看”聯繫到主條,在主條下集中介紹有關知識。 A good ancient Chinese dictionary should have three properties: scientific, practical, informative. Ancient Chinese dictionary compilation should pay attention to the following questions: (1) the choice of entries and prefix processing: large dictionaries, each dictionary is a different glyphs in a separate column, different characters are also listed as different entries. In small and medium dictionaries, several different characters can be used as an entry, enclosed in brackets. (2) the division of meaning: the generalization of the meaning of the word, the different fixed meanings should be separate items, the meaning of the context should not be a single item; the treatment of the extended meaning of the word, the more recent extension can be put on a meaning Item; farther extended, should be another separate item. (3) Phonetic: Phonetic notation of large dictionaries should be more complete, phoneticized with Chinese phonetic alphabet, and the antinomy of ancient phonetic books should be indicated. Small and medium-sized ancient Chinese dictionary can not accept some remote pronunciation (the corresponding meaning does not accept), with Pinyin phonetic, not standard anti-cut. But some do not have to be used in modern Chinese, while the more common ones in ancient books have to be marked. (4) Interpretation: It is necessary to thoroughly understand the meaning of ancient Chinese, pay attention to the era of meaning. (5) the choice of example sentence: The example sentence should try hard to be relatively easy to understand, also should consider the age nature and the typicality. (6) The cultural connotation of dictionaries: properly connect the original meaning of the glyphs, explain the relationship between the meaning of the words, explain the source, explain the social and cultural background of the semantic meanings, link some articles about the cultural common sense to the main article with Under the main article to introduce the relevant knowledge.
BACKGROUND:?Increasing evidence suggests that the inactiva-tion of cathepsin B attenuates hepatocyte apoptosis and liver damage. This study aimed to investigate
本文在分析過程中贊同Traugott & Dasher(2002:7)的看法,他們認爲語言的基本功能是表達意義(meaning)。同時本文認爲意義既具有認知(cognitive)功能,又具有交際(communicativ