
来源 :华南地震 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aaron722
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1987年7月28日至8月2日,由国家地震局杭州干部培训中心和国家地震局教育处发起,辽宁省地震局承办,在辽宁省兴城市联合举办了“软科学在地震系统推广应用学术讨论会”。国家地震局政策研究室、综合计划处和全国部分省局、所、队的有关领导、专家参加了研讨。国家地震局陈颙副局长自始至终参加并主持了会议,还作了重要讲话。 July 28, 1987 to August 2, initiated by the State Seismological Bureau of Hangzhou cadre training center and the State Seismological Bureau Education Department, hosted by the Earthquake Administration of Liaoning Province, Xingcheng City, Liaoning Province jointly organized the “soft science in the promotion and application of seismic systems Symposium. ” State Seismological Bureau Policy Research Office, the Comprehensive Planning Department and some of the provinces, autonomous regions, the team’s leaders and experts participated in the seminar. Chen Zhen, director of the State Seismological Bureau, took part in and presided over the meeting from beginning to end. He also made an important speech.
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