Numerical Simulation and Applications of F-EMS for High Carbon Steel Billet

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:studyrec
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The distribution of electromagnetic fields and electromagnetic force of F-EMS were simulated by ANSYS12.0 software. The magnetic induction intensity and electromagnetic force of billet with various stirring parameters were cal- culated, then the relationship between the magnetic induction intensity and electromagnetic force was calculated. The results showed that the electromagnetic force is not positive with the magnetic induction intensity. Depending on the com- bination of the practical production, the central segregation of high carbon steel SWRH77B is improved effectively under the best stirring parameter that the current is 360A and the frequency is 12Hz. The distribution of electromagnetic fields and electromagnetic force of F-EMS were simulated by ANSYS12.0 software. The magnetic induction intensity and electromagnetic force of billet with various stirring parameters were cal- culated, then the relationship between the magnetic induction intensity and electromagnetic force was calculated on the com- bination of the practical production, the central segregation of high carbon steel SWRH77B is improved effectively under the best stirring parameter that the current is 360A and the frequency is 12Hz.
我痴情这白色的海洋虽只有小小的空间———简单的产床却蕴藏着无比的力量多少新生命在这里呱呱坠地多少苍白的脸泛起红晕我爱这白色的空间它是纯洁真诚的象征 当清脆的第一