
来源 :郑州大学学报(哲学社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wucaixia303
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改革开放以来,我国的哲学社会科学事业迎来了发展的春天。研究机构和队伍迅速发展壮大;研究领域不断拓展和深化,已经形成比较完整的学科体系;取得了大量研究成果;党和国家领导重视和政策扶持;哲学社会科学发挥了重要作用。但仍然存在创新能力不足、科研实力不强和学风等问题。用科学发展观统领哲学社会科学研究工作应做到:调整科研方向和内容,进一步增强社会科学为现实服务的功能;整合科研力量,进一步增强社科研究的实力;不断完善科研管理体制,进一步强化社会科学发展的制度保障;改进科研手段和方法,进一步提高社科研究的效率和效果;不断加强学风建设,进一步筑牢道德防线。当前社会科学研究中需要正确处理以下几种关系:正确处理基础研究与应用研究的辩证关系;正确处理理论传承与理论创新的辩证关系;正确处理借鉴西方理论与坚持中国特色的辩证关系;正确处理学术研究与理论宣传的辩证关系。 Since the reform and opening up, the philosophy and social sciences in our country have ushered in the spring of development. Research institutes and teams have grown rapidly; research areas have been continuously expanded and deepened; comparatively complete disciplinary systems have been formed; a great deal of research has been made; emphasis has been placed on party and state leaders and policy support; and philosophy and social sciences have played an important role. However, there are still some problems such as insufficient innovation ability, weak scientific research ability and style of study. To lead the philosophy and social science research work with the concept of scientific development should be: to adjust the direction and content of scientific research to further enhance the social sciences to serve the reality; to consolidate the strength of scientific research to further enhance the strength of social science research; to constantly improve the scientific research management system and further strengthen Institutional guarantee for the development of social sciences; improving scientific research methods and methods to further improve the efficiency and effectiveness of social science research; constantly strengthening the study style and further building a moral defense line. The current social science research needs to correctly handle the following relations: correctly handle the dialectical relationship between basic research and applied research; correctly handle the dialectical relationship between theoretical inheritance and theoretical innovation; correctly handle and draw on the dialectical relations between western theories and the adherence to Chinese characteristics; and correctly handle Dialectical relationship between academic research and theoretical propaganda.
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在印度 ,地下建筑物正越来越多地用于各种工程。随着计算机和软件包开发的显著增多 ,各种数值方法如有限元、边界元相异元法常常被用于地下建筑的分析和设计。这些方法有利于
土坝失事的原因经常是漫顶或管涌。为了减小土坝失事的威胁,对土坝溃口事件进行模拟是极 其重要的。因此模拟大坝溃口的技术已成为大坝安全计划的基本部分。比较了几种土坝溃
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摘 要:图书馆是推广全民阅读的一个主要职能场所,它能够实现全民资源共享,提高广大读者的知识水平和个人素质,对创建新型文明社会起到了不可替代的作用。本文主要介绍了阅读的重要性,阅读与图书馆的关系以及如何利用图书馆更好地拓展全民阅读。   关键词:全民阅读;图书馆;阅读习惯   图书馆是地区间、国家间和人与人之间实现文化资源共享的重要场所,它的产生和发展使人们获得了各类知识文化信息,充实了人生,丰
从水资源可用的战略高度,从生命之源──水入手,较详细地分析了大连地区水危急和资源开发利用问题,从而,较全面地论述了大连地区水资源可持续利用的战略措施。 From the strateg