
来源 :中国校医 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liliqqqq
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病毒性肝炎是我市近几年来发病率最高的一种传染病,1990年病毒性肝炎发病数占传染病总数的66、93%,其中甲型肝炎占肝炎病例总数的87.52%少数幼儿园、学校出现爆发疫情。为探讨有关流行因素,我们于1990~1991年对全市病毒性肝炎传染源管理状况,人群甲肝抗体水平等进行了调查,现将结果报告如下。1 材料与方法1 病例来源;随机抽查各区县1990年12月1日~1991年3月30日期间医院确诊的急性病毒性肝炎散发病例106例,调查前组织调查人员集中学习,统一方法标准,统一调查表格,深入疫户进行回顾性调查。 Viral hepatitis is the highest incidence of infectious diseases in our city in recent years. The incidence of viral hepatitis in 1990 accounted for 66.93% of the total number of infectious diseases, of which, hepatitis A accounted for 87.52% of the total number of hepatitis cases. A few kindergartens and schools An outbreak has occurred. To explore the epidemic factors, we conducted a survey of the status of viral hepatitis infection source and the level of hepatitis A antibody in the city from 1990 to 1991, and the results are reported as follows. 1 Materials and methods 1 source of the case; randomly selected 106 counties diagnosed with acute viral hepatitis from December 1, 1990 to March 30, 1991 in all districts and counties. Before the survey, the surveyors of the survey focused on the methods and standards, Unify the investigation form and conduct a thorough investigation into the epidemic prevention.
举世瞩目的上海世博会将要正式开幕了。据上海世博局发布的消息,世博会产生的直接投资达30多亿美元,引发的延伸投资达150亿到300亿美元。在如此巨大的商机 World Expo Shang
我们于1988~1990连续3年对地直饮食从业人员进行健康查体,现将其动态情况报告如下。 1 对象和内容对临沂市地直单位从事饮食行业(食堂、饭店、食品加工厂、招待所、商店等)全
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  D-limonene is one of the dominant terpenoids in indoor environment,which can be emitted from cleaning products and air fresheners.D-limonene is prone to oxi