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解决中国老百姓的居住问题,在市场经济模式下,应采商品和房屋租赁两元市场结构。在商品房市场中,对属于市场竞争范畴,价格有企业自主,如属于自然垄断结构,则应由政府定价,此属全球通用做法。我国房地产市场具有独特的属性,即土地国有。如何规范这一市场,没有现成模式可参照,只能依据理论,结合我国的特点,研究适合我国的具体方法。文章以自然垄断理论为依据,认为中国房地产市场具有自然垄断性质,提出政府应干预企业一级房市的定价权,此为文章的上篇。向社会批量提供可租赁的房屋,是一国住房制度不可缺少的部分,文章根据十七大提出的增加人民资本性收入的号召,提出借鉴美国的房屋投资基金的办法,动员全体社会成员,将多余的钱参与廉租房建设,向社会提供足够的可供租赁的房屋,实现使有能力买房的人,通过买房解决住房问题,暂时没有能力的人,可以通过租赁廉价房屋的方式解决住房问题,以此建立我国的住房制度。 To solve the housing problems of the Chinese people, under the market economy mode, two-yuan market structure of goods and houses should be leased. In the real estate market, for those who belong to the category of market competition, the prices are enterprise-autonomous. If they belong to the natural monopoly structure, they should be priced by the government. This is a global practice. China’s real estate market has a unique attribute, namely land state-owned. How to standardize this market, there is no ready-made model can refer to, only based on theory, combined with the characteristics of our country to study specific methods for our country. Based on the theory of natural monopoly, the article holds that the Chinese real estate market has the natural monopoly nature, and proposes that the government should intervene in the pricing power of the first-level real estate market. This is the first part of the article. According to the appeal raised by the 17th National Congress of the People’s Republic of China to increase the capital income of the people, the article proposes to draw lessons from the housing investment funds of the United States and mobilize all members of society. Excess money involved in the construction of low-rent housing, to provide adequate housing for rent, to enable people who have the ability to buy a house, to buy a house to solve the housing problem, temporarily unable to afford, by renting cheap housing to solve the housing problem , In order to establish China’s housing system.
目的 分析影响额叶癫癎预后的危险因素,以便早期预测难治性额叶癫癎,为临床早期合理治疗提供理论依据.方法 采用病例对照研究(包括药物难治组47例和药物控制良好组92例),回顾
多发性硬化(multiple sclerosis,MS)与其他多种自身免疫性疾病一样存在着性别差异,表现为:与男性相比,女性发病率较高,且初发时间也较早。女性患者在妊娠期伴随着体内雌激素
目的 观察不同浓度异丙酚对氯化钾诱发的豚鼠耳蜗外毛细胞内钙离子移动的影响,探讨其对听觉外周感受器(耳蜗)作用的可能机制.方法 用Fluo-3AM荧光指示剂染色急性分离的豚鼠耳