我们的海上盛会——纪念人民海军建军6 0周年活动巡礼

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海军在滔滔长江中诞生,艰难地驶向大海。60年来,人民海军从无到有,从小到大,从弱到强,已建设发展成为一支由水面舰艇部队、潜艇部队、航空兵部队、岸防部队和陆战部队五大兵种组成的战略性、综合性、国际性军种。海军的综合作战能力得到大幅提升,能随时遂行多样化军事任务,维护我国海洋权益、应对多种安全威胁,是祖国的海上钢铁长城。为纪念海军走过的60年光辉历程,经中央军委批准,中国人民解放军海军于2009年4月23日前后在青岛举行庆祝中国人民解放军海军成立60周年多国海军活动。此次以“和谐海洋”为主题的多国海军活动,旨在加强海上安全合作,共创和谐海洋环境。被称为“海军奥林匹克”的此次活动持续4天,举行了海军高层研讨、舰艇海上阅兵式、舰艇专业交流、文化体育交流和海上舢板比赛等多项活动。 The Navy was born in the surging Yangtze River and sailed hard to the sea. Over the past 60 years, the people’s navy has grown from scratch, from small to large, from weak to strong, and has built itself into a strategic, state-of-the-art military, consisting of five major arms of surface warships, submarine forces, aviation units, coastal defense forces and the Marine Forces. Comprehensive, international service. The comprehensive combat capability of the Navy has been greatly enhanced. It is capable of carrying out diversified military tasks at any time, safeguarding the maritime rights and interests of our country and coping with various security threats. It is the Great Wall Iron and Steel Co. of the motherland. In commemoration of the 60-year glorious journey marched by the Navy, approved by the Central Military Commission, the Navy of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army held a multinational naval event in Qingdao on April 23, 2009 to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Navy. The multi-national naval campaign with the theme of “Harmonious Ocean” aims to strengthen maritime security cooperation and create a harmonious marine environment. Known as the “Navy Olympics,” the event lasted for 4 days and held a series of activities such as naval high-level seminars, ship parade at sea, naval professional exchanges, cultural and sports exchanges, and marine board games.
搞房子、弄车子、“帮”孩子、谋位子、“办”案子,安徽省黄山市委原常委、政法委书记汪建设,因其不慎、不严、不廉、不公的弄权贪腐行径,被人戏称为“五子登科”干部。考察其不遗余力地为自己及家人谋私利的贪腐轨迹,贪大不放小、敛财名目多构成鲜明特征。  装糊涂搞房子  2000年11月,汪建设调任黄山市屯溪区委书记,在宾馆住久后感觉不方便,于是就有了搞套房子的想法。  房地产开发商黄某在一次宴请之后,送汪建
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