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这是一件陈年旧事。无奈流光速,倏忽间已40余年。以人的一生来说,已由少年、青年而步入中年。当年正当中年的我,如今已届耄耋。虽说往事本如云烟,但这事却清晰地留在记忆中。1962年春,经历所谓自然灾害调整国民经济后,文化界的气氛活跃起来。《文汇报》应时而动,开了个杂文作者座谈会。时任上海出版局代局长的罗竹风到会,其中还有“文棍”姚文元。会上,罗竹风说了些知识分子的心里话,无非是泛泛之谈。作会议记录的余仙藻(《笔会》编辑)是个有心人。会后,余仙藻登罗门而访,请罗竹风写篇杂文。出版局长接触多的是编辑,于是就编辑的甘苦,写了篇《杂家--一个编辑同志的想法》交了卷,以骆漠为笔名发在5月6日的《笔会》上。 This is a vintage story. Helpless light speed, suddenly suddenly over 40 years. In human life, it has reached middle age by adolescence and youth. I was middle-aged middle of the year, and now has been stumbled. Although the past is like clouds, but this thing is clearly in memory. In the spring of 1962, after the so-called natural disasters adjusted the national economy, the atmosphere in the cultural circle was active. “Wen Wei Po” move from time to time, opened a forum for essay writers. At the time of the Shanghai Publishing Bureau on behalf of Luo bamboo wind to attend, including “Wen stick ” Yao Wenyuan. At the meeting, Luo bamboo wind said some intellectuals truth, nothing more than a general discussion. Yu Xianzao (“PEN” editor) who made the meeting minutes is a very interested person. After the meeting, Yu Xian al solamen visit, please Luo bamboo wind to write essays. The Secretary for Publication had much contact with editors. He therefore wrote editors’ grunts and wrote an article titled “The Complicated Master - An Editing Guide to Comrades”. On the May 6 PEN conference, Luo Mo made a pseudonym.
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梦中的迎客松火车、清风、阳光明媚,黄山、云雾、迎客松……这些是我在十天前就想着的。现在,我正和深圳的琴童们坐在火车上,专程去参加黄山国际青少 Welcome Song pine dre
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文章提出了授予经济学学士学位的财经类高校统计学专业的总目标是 :培养适应社会主义市场经济和信息化社会所需要的复合型高素质统计专门人才。其课程设置应遵循宽口径、厚基
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汉方药中含有许多不同类型的抗氧化剂,本次探讨温脾汤对腺嘌呤诱导肾衰大鼠体内自由基增多的抑制作用。 材料和方法:①温脾汤(大黄15g、人参3g、附子9g、干姜3g、甘草5g)加
分析化学教程(普通高等教育“十互”国家级规划教材)李克安赵凤林等编著 7-301-08146-469.00元北京大学出版社 2005.5(010)62752015本书从分析化学的系统性出发,将经典的化
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