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本会一九五二年一至三月工作,主要的是配合这个时期的中心任务,动员本省各界人士积极参加土地改革、及反贪污、反浪费、反官僚主义的伟大运动。并同时做了一些协助政府推行政策法令,协助各市协商委员会和县常务委员会适当地健全了机构等工作。现分别报告如下:一、组织参加土改工作本会早于一九五一年十一月问,即曾邀集本省各民主党派及无党派民主人士、宗教界、工商界等代表协商发动参加土改工作。经各单位动员后,计前后报名参加土改的共有五十余人,经最后决定实际参加土改者有民革四人、民盟四人、农工民主党十八、工商界五人、宗教六人,共二十九人。本会曾召集座谈会一次,各同志一致表示希望通过参加土改工作来锻练提高自己,并保证坚决站在农民立场,为彻底消灭封建制度而奋斗。 This Council, working from January to March 1952, mainly cooperates with the central task of this period to mobilize the people of all walks of life in the province to actively participate in the land reform and the great campaign against corruption, anti-waste and anti-bureaucratism. At the same time, some assistance was given to the government to implement the policies and decrees to help municipalities consultative committees and county standing committees properly improve their work. The report is respectively as follows: I. Organizational Participation in Land Reform As early as November 1951, this Council asked the representatives of all democratic parties and non-partisan democrats, religious communities, business circles and other representatives of the province to participate in the land reform work . After the mobilization of all units, a total of more than fifty people signed up for land reform before and after the countdown. After the final decision, the actual participants were: four people of the People’s Revolutionary Revolution, four of the NLD, 18 of the Peasants and Workers Democratic Party, five of the business community and six of the religious people. A total of 29 people. Once this symposium was convened, all the comrades unanimously expressed the hope that they would exercise their own initiative by participating in the land reform work and promised to firmly stand at the peasants’ standpoint and strive for the complete elimination of the feudal system.
紫金春甜桔是广东紫金县农业局、紫金县科委合作,于1965年冬从“三月红”中选出的甜桔优良株系,经在紫金县内多年多点试种,表现较好,遗传性状稳定。其主要特点是: 1.生势健