1日李岚清部长会见墨西哥制造商协会主席古铁雷斯。双方就发展中墨经贸关系交换意见。 1—3日中美关贸总协定双边磋商在中断了4年之后在北京恢复。以美助理贸易代表纽柯克为首的美国代表团同以佟志广副部长为首的中国代表团就中国“复关”议定书主要内容进行了具体讨论,并在部分问题上达成共识。佟副部长指出,中国已完全有能力履行关贸总协定的各项义务,中国经济应早日纳入总协定的多边贸易体制。他希望通过中美之间积极和建设性的磋商推动总协定中国工作组的谈判进程。关贸总协定中
On the 1st, Minister Li Lanqing met with Gutierrez, chairman of the Mexican Manufacturers Association. The two sides exchanged opinions on the development of China-Mexico economic and trade relations. From January 1 to 3, the bilateral consultations between the China-US GATT resumed in Beijing after being suspended for four years. The U.S. delegation led by U.S. Assistant Trade Representative Newkirk discussed with the Chinese delegation headed by Deputy Minister Zhi Zhiguang the specific contents of the “Restoration Protocol” of China and reached consensus on some issues. Deputy Minister of Commerce pointed out that China is fully capable of fulfilling its obligations under the GATT, and that China’s economy should be incorporated into the general agreement’s multilateral trading system as soon as possible. He hopes to promote the negotiation process of the GATT China Working Group through active and constructive consultations between China and the United States. In the GATT