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从1992年邓小平南巡讲话以来,矿建公司走出了一条在压力中生存、在困难中前进的发展道路:在武钢压缩基建投资、工程任务不饱满、企业历史包袱沉重、资金和市场极度困难的形势下,工作量由1992年的1923万元上升至到1997年的7020.18万元,六年增长3.65倍;完成基本建设投资3.22亿元;创武钢优质工程3项;劳动生产率从1992年的7545元/人年上升到1997年的29295元/人年,增长3.88倍;职工收入也有大幅度增长。从1994年至1998年连续荣获湖北省“文明单位”称号。矿建公司六年的求生存求发展历程,也是党建工作在改革中探索前进的历程,“教育、决策、稳定、凝聚”是改革中的矿建公司党建工作主题和致胜法宝。 Since Deng Xiaoping’s southern tour speech in 1992, the mining construction company has stepped out of its development path of surviving under pressure and advancing in difficulty. In the process of compressing capital construction in WISCO, the project is not full, the business burden of history is heavy, and the capital and market are extremely difficult The workload increased from 19.23 million yuan in 1992 to 70.2018 million yuan in 1997, an increase of 3.65 times in six years. The capital construction investment was 322 million yuan. Three high-quality projects of WISCO were established. The labor productivity increased from 7545 in 1992 Yuan / person year rose to 29,295 yuan / year in 1997, an increase of 3.88 times; worker income also increased substantially. From 1994 to 1998 consecutive won the Hubei Province “civilized unit ” title. Mining construction company six years of survival and development process, but also the party building work in the reform to explore the course of progress, “education, policy making, stability, cohesion ” is the reform of the mining construction company party construction theme and winning magic.