中国学生营养促进会经过两年多的酝酿、筹备,终于正式成立了!我代表中国学生营养促进会筹备组,对成立大会的胜利召开表示热烈的祝贺。并预祝大会取得圆满成功! 中国学生营养促进会的成立是改革的产物,具有时代的特点,反映了群众的情绪与愿望。中国学生营养促进会的诞生不是偶然的,有它历史的必然性,具有时代的特点。首先它是改革的产物,从学生营养问题的面面观,我们可以感觉到时代的脉搏;从群众的情绪、群众的愿望看,中国学生营养促进会今天成立的时机已经成熟,可以说是到了水到渠成、瓜熟蒂落的时候。
After more than two years of deliberation and preparation, the China Student Nutrition Promotion Association was officially established. On behalf of the Preparatory Group of China Student Nutrition Promotion Association, I would like to extend my warm congratulation on the victory of the establishment conference. And wished the conference a complete success! The establishment of the Chinese Students Nutrition Promotion Association is a product of reform, featuring the characteristics of the times and reflecting the emotions and aspirations of the masses. The birth of Chinese Students Nutrition Association is not accidental, it has its historical inevitability, with the characteristics of the times. First of all, it is a product of reform. From the perspective of students’ nutrition, we can feel the pulse of the times. From the emotions of the masses and the aspirations of the masses, the time has come for the establishment of the China Nutrition Society for Students today, When ripened.