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在亲子活动中,很多时候需要成人与孩子进行交流,提问是交流的重要方式。怎样向孩子提问呢? 一、探索性提问问要问到点子上。要做到这一点,家长把要求孩子掌握的重点和难点作为发问点。例如:在亲子活动“会变的影子”中,家长可以设计提问:“为什么会有影子?”“为什么影子会变?”让孩子顺着问题探索影子的秘密,获得有关影子形成、变化的具体经验。二、启发性提问家长的提问是为了引起孩子的思考。为此,家长的提问必须要有启发性。这样的提问才能唤起孩子学习的兴趣与积极性,激发孩子强烈的求知欲望。如在日常生活中遇到有雾的早晨,家长便可以这样提问:“咦,今天我们家前面的房子怎么不见了?”以此激发幼儿探索“雾”的积极性;“你知道雾是那里来的?”以此启发幼儿思考雾的成因;“太阳出来后,雾怎么会慢慢看不见了?”进一步引导幼儿追寻雾消失的原因,逐步激活幼儿的思维,激起幼儿智慧的火花。三、趣味式提问孩子的注意力易转移,易激发。因此,家长要注意问题的趣味性。以激发幼儿想知道更多有关知识的欲望。如:“鱼睡觉时,闭眼睛吗?为什么?”“人用鼻子呼吸,鱼用什么呼吸?”“鸡有耳朵吗?”“骆驼为什么能在沙漠里行走、生活?”“企鹅为什么能生活在冰天雪地的南极?”一个个有关动物的问题深深地 In parent-child activities, often need to communicate with adults and children, the question is an important way to communicate. How to ask questions to children? First, exploratory questions asked to ask ideas. To do this, parents ask the children to grasp the key and difficult points as a question. For example, in parenting activity Shadow of Change, parents can ask questions like, “Why shadow?” “Why shadow will change?” Let the child explore the shadow’s secrets along the way to get specific information about shadow formation and change experience. Second, inspiring questions Parents questions is to cause children’s thinking. To this end, parents’ questions must be instructive. Such questions can arouse the interest and enthusiasm of children to learn and stimulate their children’s strong desire for knowledge. If you encounter foggy mornings in your daily life, parents can ask: “Why, today’s house in front of our house is gone?” In order to stimulate young children to explore the “fog” of the enthusiasm; “You know where the fog is ? ”In order to inspire children to think of the causes of fog;“ How does the fog slowly disappear after the sun comes out? ”To further guide the child to seek the cause of the disappearance of the fog, and gradually activate the thinking of young children, arousing the spark of wisdom for young children. Third, interesting questions Children’s attention is easy to transfer, easy to stimulate. Therefore, parents should pay attention to the fun of the issue. To motivate young children want to know more about the desire of knowledge. Such as: “When the fish is sleeping, close your eyes and why?” “People breathe through their noses and the fish breathe?” “The chicken has ears?” “Why do the camels walk in the desert, live?” “Why can penguins live? Antarctica in the snow and ice? ”One by one the problems of animals deeply