Finite time L_1 Approach for Missile Overload Requirement Analysis in Terminal Guidance

来源 :Chinese Journal of Aeronautics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mrchenbx
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This article analyzes the problem about the missile overload requirement in a homing terminal guidance under various engagement scenarios.An augmented proportional navigation guidance(APNG) model is introduced on the basis of linear kinematics.To analyze the peak-to-peak performance of the terminal guidance system,a new finite time L1 performance measure for a linear time-varying(LTV) continuous system is proposed.Then,according to the idea of the adjoint system,a novel method for computing the L1 norm of a linear continuous system is first derived.Within the finite time L1 framework,the quantitative relation between the guidance loop dynamics and the maximum missile-target maneuver ratio is offered.This relation is expressed in the form of graphs and formulas that can be used to synthesize some of the major subsystem specifications for the missile guidance system.The illustrative examples show that a significant performance improvement is achieved with the proposed guidance loop dynamics. This article analyzes the problem about the missile overload requirement in a homing terminal guidance under various engagement scenarios. An augmented pilot guidance (APNG) model is introduced on the basis of linear kinematics. To analyze the peak-to-peak performance of the terminal guidance system, a new finite time L1 performance measure for a linear time-varying (LTV) continuous system is proposed. Chen, according to the idea of ​​the adjoint system, a novel method for computing the L1 norm of a linear continuous system is first derived.Within the finite time L1 framework, the quantitative relation between the guidance loop dynamics and the maximum missile-target maneuver ratio is offered. This relation is expressed in the form of graphs and formulas that can be used to synthesize some of the major subsystem specifications for the missile guidance system. The examples examples show that a significant performance improvement is achieved with the proposed guidance loop dynam ics.
摘要:本文把外语教学的情境教学法与建构主义学习理论结合起来,阐述了在小学英语教学过程中教师应怎样结合小学生的心理与生理特点,创设英语学习的适当情境,以激发他们的学习兴趣与动机,给学生创造丰富的练习与运用英语的机会;怎样使他们将所学英语知识与英语技能,有效地迁移到真实的情境中并加以灵活运用。  关键词:小学英语;情境教学;建构主义  中图分类号:.G623.31  一、引言  从小学生的心理特征来看
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内容摘要:在数学学习中,学生由于智力发展与学习方法等各方面存在着差异,错题伴随着学生一起成长。小学数学教学中,应充分利用错题资源,让学生从自我、小组、教师等多方面的评价中感悟道理,领悟方法,引导学生在“错”中不断的前进。  关键词:错题教学;评价;进步  中图分类号:G623.5  一、自我评价错题,争取独立纠正  把批改过的作业本、练习题或试卷下发后,首先让学生将出现的典型性错误抄下来,再布置学
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