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所谓的汉语新词也就是最近一段时间产生的、被大众认可的全新的词语,其更新速度非常之快,信息量也非常的大。随着我国社会经济的不断向前发展,我国社会的信息化程度越来越深,中日之间的交流以及合作也在逐渐的加深,最近一段时间产生的这些新词往往会在交流中给人带来一定程度上的障碍,而相对应的日语翻译工作还没有很好的进行。本文对汉语的新词做了简要的分类,选取了一部分具有代表性的新词来做了简要的翻译探讨,最后用比较以及分析的方式总结了汉语新词的翻译方法,并在汉语新词翻译工作上提出了一些合理化的建议,对汉语新词日译工作做了研究展望,希望能推动相应研究的顺利进行,更希望能够通过翻译工作促进中日两国的友好交流以及合作。 The so-called new Chinese word is the most recent period of time, which has been approved by the general public. Its new words are very fast and the amount of information is very large. With the continuous development of our country’s social economy, the degree of informatization of our society has become deeper and deeper. The exchanges and cooperation between China and Japan have also deepened gradually. These new words produced in the most recent period tend to be exchanged People bring a certain degree of obstacles, but the corresponding Japanese translation has not been well done. This article makes a brief classification of new Chinese words, selects some representative new words to make a brief translation study, and finally summarizes the translation methods of new Chinese words by comparison and analysis, In the translation work, I put forward some rational suggestions and do a research on the translation of Chinese neologisms. I hope that it can promote the smooth progress of the corresponding research. I also hope that I can promote the friendly exchanges and cooperation between China and Japan through translation work.
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。大漠畅想@秦宪安 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile. Desert Imaginat
在香港回归祖国怀抱之际,我们重读鲁迅先生70年前的《再谈香港》,别有一番滋味在心头。我经过我所视为“畏途”的香港,算起来九月二十八日 As Hong Kong reverts to the emb
我进入青年时期后,对美术十分感兴趣。这或许是因为父亲是做象牙雕刻生意的,我每天面对着的都是工艺品。 After I entered the youth, I was very interested in art. This
为揭示加速膛对激光驱动飞片速度及形貌的影响规律,采用光子多普勒测速(PDV)技术、阴影成像技术和显微分析方法研究了厚度20 μm单层Al飞片在不同加速膛孔径和长度下的速度和形
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。挥洒@彭宏 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile. Proud @ Peng Hong