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随着生产力的飞跃发展,管理工作日益为人们所重视。它已成为一门边缘科学,介于自然技术科学与经济科学之间。目前世界上的管理工作,已由过去的经验管理,现行的科学管理,发展到全面质量管理。我国管理水平比较落后,急待总结经验,博揽众长,改革提高。至于水利水电勘测设计科研的管理工作,由于建国前的水利水电工程建设,十分薄弱,根本谈不上勘测设计的管理。建国以后,随着国民经济的发展,水利水利建设突飞猛进,勘测设计管理随之产生。管理工作在建国初期是向苏联学习的,到目前为止, With the rapid development of productivity, management has been increasingly valued by people. It has become a marginal science, between natural and economic sciences. At present, the management work in the world has evolved from past experience management and current scientific management to total quality management. The management level of our country is relatively backward, and it is urgent to sum up experience, take advantage of others, and improve reforms. As for the management of water conservancy and hydropower survey, design, and scientific research, the construction of water conservancy and hydropower projects prior to the founding of the People’s Republic of China was very weak, and there was no way to talk about the management of survey and design. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, along with the development of the national economy, the construction of water conservancy and water conservancy projects has progressed by leaps and bounds, and survey and design management has followed. Management work in the early years of the founding of the country was to learn from the Soviet Union, so far,
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编制能源系统网络图是开展能源经济宏观决策研究必不可少的基础工作。这次编制是作为一项研究课题开展的,编制一九八五年能源系统网络图的基本原则有以下四点。 1.网络图的
【西德《法兰克福报》1987年10月28日报道】用于卫星和空间探测器的新反应堆在美国即将问世。目前通用电气公司正在制造电功率为100千瓦的反应堆。按计划,这个称为 SP-100反
一、国外非金属矿开发利用的基本经验 1.按就近供应的原则,研究资源-产量-需求体系,把提高非金属地质工作的经济、社会效益作为发展非金属战略的核心内容,这是世界各国非金属