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欢迎队伍里喜庆的锣鼓和着激越的欢呼,报告会上如潮的掌声洋溢着真诚的爱戴与崇敬。航天英雄们光临辽宁,特别是报告团中有3位成员是从辽宁这片热土走出去的子弟,不仅升温了全省数以万计群众的“航天热”,也使沉浸在自豪与骄傲中的全省人民体验到了来自于载人航天精神的特殊的振奋。11月18日,由中共辽宁省委书记闻世震主持的载人航天工程先进事迹报告会上,8位航天英雄精彩的报告,对载人航天精神作了最权威的诠释。这天的辽宁人民会堂,出现了从未有过的热烈气氛,人们眼含热泪,一次又一次地鼓掌。两个小时的报告会,竞赢得了54次经久不息的掌声。本刊记者在现场亲身感受了人们的热情,并将英雄们的报告和与会者的掌声记录下来。亲聆英雄们的报告是一种幸运,把这种幸运传递给广大读者则是我们党刊工作者的责任。为此,本刊特将报告录音整理并摘发于此。当感受了一个多月来国内外媒体无数次对我国首次载人航天飞行的各方面报道之后,读一读英雄们亲自对亲历亲为的载人航天精神的诠释,一定会产生这样一种感受:鲜花与掌声,尊敬与崇拜,对经历过拼搏与奉献的载人航天工程的亲历者来说,受之无愧! Welcome the team’s festive drums and agitation. The applause of the report was filled with sincere love and admiration. The space heroes visited Liaoning. In particular, three members of the report group are the children who have gone out from this hot land in Liaoning. This has not only warmed up the “spaceflight” of the tens of thousands of people in the province, but also immersed them in pride and pride. The people of the province experienced special excitement from the spirit of manned space flight. On November 18th, the report of the Advanced Deeds of Manned Aerospace Engineering chaired by Wen Shizhen, Secretary of the Liaoning Provincial CPC Committee, was a wonderful report of eight space heroes and made the most authoritative interpretation of the spirit of manned space flight. On this day’s Liaoning People’s Hall, there has been a warm atmosphere that has never been seen before. People have tears in their eyes and applaud again and again. The two-hour report meeting won 54 prolonged applause. The journalist personally experienced the enthusiasm of the people at the scene and recorded the reports of the heroes and the applause of the participants. The report of the pro-hearing heroes is a kind of luck. Passing this kind of luck to readers is the responsibility of our party journalists. For this reason, the magazine specially compiled and distributed the report. After experiencing the reports of various aspects of China’s first manned space flight on numerous occasions by domestic and foreign media for over a month, reading the interpretations of the heroes’ personally interpreting the manned aerospace spirit of personal experience will certainly create such a feeling. : Flowers and Applause, Respect and Worship, For those who have experienced hard work and dedicated manned space projects, they deserve it!
“神舟”五号载人飞船成功发射,举国欢庆,世界也为之一震。与这形成鲜明对比的是,有人口沫四溅,说什么:“中国还有人吃不上饭的时候,有必要烧钱来塑造国际形象吗?” 显然,他
图 1 单反数码相机的价格及上市时间图 2 单反数码相机的像素及定位近两年单反数码相机的价格、像素、定位及上市时间@中原 Figure 1 Price and time-to-market of SLR di