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第二届中国机床工具博览会是在“以科技为先导、以质量为主线、振兴机械电子工业”的新形势下举办的。作为中国机床工具工业协会的成员,我们热烈祝贺这次博览会的隆重开幕,并祝它获得巨大成功。 机电部北京机床研究所一贯以围绕“三基、两高、一特”(即基础技术、基础元件、基? The 2nd China Machine Tool & Tool Fair was held under the new situation of “taking science and technology as the guide, quality as the main line, rejuvenating the machinery and electronics industry”. As a member of China Machine Tool Industry Association, we warmly congratulate this grand opening of the fair and wish it great success. Mechanical and Electrical Department of Beijing Machine Tool Institute has always been around the “three bases, two high, one special” (that is, basic technology, basic components,
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Language transfer plays a critical role in second language acquisition. It has been proved that language transfer occurs in all the aspects of L2 learning. This