
来源 :档案工作 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xunmengya
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一、一般情况: 我们於4月26日到5月19日开办了省级机关档案工作学习班。参加学习班的有省直各厅、局、院、行及其直属企业、事业可以构成“全宗”的单位和保定市、保定专署等机关。学员共75人,绝大多数是没有作过档案工作的青年,是从其他工作岗位上抽调来学习的。开学时首先由一位副秘书长作了报告,明确了学习任务,指出了学习方法。经过小组讨论,对学习档案工作的观点明确了,并扭转了对档案工作某些不正确的认识,讲课是按教材的单元进行讲课、复习和讨论的,并有重点地辅导。课程学习完毕以后,进行了立卷实习。学习期间讨论了国务院关於加强国家档案工作的决定,最后在结业式上副秘书长讲了话。学习班进行了23天,5月19日胜利结束了。 First, the general situation: We started from April 26 to May 19 provincial agencies archives work classes. There are provincial departments, bureaux, institutes, and branches directly under the class and the enterprises can form “Fonds” units and institutions such as Baoding and Baoding agencies. A total of 75 students, the vast majority of young people who have not done the file work, is drawn from other positions to learn. At the beginning of the session, a report was first made by a deputy secretary general, which clearly defined the learning tasks and pointed out the learning methods. After a group discussion, the viewpoint of studying archival work was clear, and some incorrect understanding of the archival work was reversed. The lectures were lectured, reviewed and discussed according to the teaching materials, with emphasis on counseling. After the completion of the course study, we started an internship. During the study period, the State Council’s decision on strengthening the national archives was discussed. Finally, the Deputy Secretary-General spoke at the graduation ceremony. The class was held for 23 days and the victory was over on May 19th.
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