Analysis of the Chinese air route network as a complex network

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ws2005102
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The air route network,which supports all the flight activities of the civil aviation,is the most fundamental infrastructure of air traffic management system.In this paper,we study the Chinese air route network (CARN) within the framework of complex networks.We find that CARN is a geographical network possessing exponential degree distribution,low clustering coefficient,large shortest path length and exponential spatial distance distribution that is obviously different from that of the Chinese airport network (CAN).Besides,via investigating the flight data from 2002 to 2010,we demonstrate that the topology structure of CARN is homogeneous,howbeit the distribution of flight flow on CARN is rather heterogeneous.In addition,the traffic on CARN keeps growing in an exponential form and the increasing speed of west China is remarkably larger than that of east China.Our work will be helpful to better understand Chinese air traffic systems. The air route network, which supports all the flight activities of the civil aviation, is the most fundamental infrastructure of air traffic management system.In this paper, we study the Chinese air route network (CARN) within the framework of complex networks. We find that CARN is a geographical network possessing exponential degree distribution, low clustering coefficient, large shortest path length and exponential spatial distance distribution that is obviously different from that of the Chinese airport network (CAN) .Besides, via investigator the flight data from 2002 to 2010 , we demonstrate that the topology structure of CARN is homogeneous, howbeit the distribution of flight flow on CARN is rather nongeneous. addition, the traffic on CARN is growing in an exponential form and the increasing speed of west China is remarkably larger than that of east China.Our work will be helpful to better understand Chinese air traffic systems.
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