历史,尤其是抛头颅、洒热血的革命斗争的历史,应该是不容忘却的。而在文学创作的日益“商业化”以及日本的卡拉 OK、美国的动作大片等等争相挤占人们的业余时间的今天,鲁迅先生所曾担心的“忘却的救主”,是不是“快要降临了”呢?长河滚滚,大浪淘沙,在长篇小说年产量达800部的势头里,值得庆幸的是,仍然不乏清醒的作家在拒绝铜臭、香艳,在抗击媚俗、矫情,他们以睿智的思虑,深邃的目光,理直气壮地讴歌历史的瑰丽,艺术地再现为创造瑰丽历史而毅然捐躯并且给今天留下了思想与精神财富的大写的人。
History, especially the history of the celestial and blood-splintering revolutionary struggles, should not be forgotten. Today, as the increasingly “commercialization” of literary creation and the karaoke in Japan and the action blockbusters in the United States compete to squeeze people’s spare time, the “forgotten Savior” that Mr. Lu Xun once worried about is not "about to come In the momentum of a novel with an annual output of 800, it is fortunate that there is still no shortage of sober writers who refuse copper smellyness and ecstatism in the fight against kitsch and hypocrite. They think wisely and profoundly , Confidently praised the magnificent history, artistic reproduction of capitalized people who sacrificed their lives to create the magnificent history and left the ideological and spiritual fortune today.