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金秋十月,漫步珠海街头,挂起了不少红色或黄色的招牌,上书“平价”二字,以此来吸引顾客,刺激购买。这正如杭州金龙商厦刮起的“十点利”风暴,今秋的珠海着实刮起了“平价风”。有“平价”之说,便有“暴利”之求。这对对立统一的矛盾体,往往要引起人们的纷纷议论与低头沉思,于是,便会引发出一个“定价”的问题。生活中的人们往往用朴实的辩证眼光来看待事物,他们或许根本不懂什么经济学意义上的价值、价格与价值规律,但他们可以从鳞次栉比的商场的价目表中进行对比分析,哪一家价高,哪一家价低,从而估摸出某种商品大概的进价以及利润的高低。正是这种分析、比较,充斥我们听觉的便大多是对某某商场的指责,言语中不免充满愤慨。举两个简单的例子。国人大都认识的“康师傅”以其独特的美味占领了国内市场并且远销海外。为了保护消费者 In the autumn of October, strolling on the streets of Zhuhai, many red or yellow signboards were hung and the word “parity” was used to attract customers and stimulate purchases. This is just like the “10-point profit” storm caused by the Hangzhou Golden Dragon Commercial Building. This fall Zhuhai actually scratched the “parity wind”. There are “parity ” said, there will be “profit ” demand. This contradiction of unity of opposites often arouses people’s controversy and meditation. Therefore, it will lead to a problem of “pricing”. People in life tend to look at things with a simple dialectical perspective. They may not understand economic values, prices, and value laws at all, but they can compare and analyze the price lists of malls that line them up. Which prices? High, which price is low, so as to estimate the approximate purchase price of a certain product and the level of profit. It is precisely this kind of analysis and comparison that is filled with our hearing. Most of them are accusations against certain shopping malls, and words are full of indignation. Give two simple examples. The “Master Kong,” which is known to the people of the country, has occupied the domestic market with its unique taste and is exported overseas. In order to protect consumers
一、问题的提出:追踪在新形势下面临挑战 追踪是根据作案者遗留在现场和来去路线上足迹的特征和自然环境物质变化迹象来追击和缉获犯罪分子的一项专门的侦察技术手段。通过
Parkinson’s disease is an extrapyramidal disease characterized by tremor, hypokinesis and postural reflex disturbance. It often occurs in the middle and the o
如果用颜色来比喻,这个故事属于蓝色——纯净、恬静,甚至有丝淡淡的孤独。  带上关心和怜惜,一起来倾听这个澄澈的蓝色故事。    有一天晚上,猫头鹰来到海边,坐在一块大石头上望着起伏的波浪。四周是黑黑的。慢慢地,从海的  尽头露出了月亮的一个小尖尖。猫头鹰看着月亮,月亮越升越高,升到了天空。啊,一个闪闪发光的、    圆圆的满月!  猫头鹰坐在岩石上,仰头看着月亮,他看了很久很久。  猫头鹰对月亮说
文章介绍了湖南文艺出版社出版、路振平等编辑的《红楼梦人物系列》对不朽巨著《红楼梦》改编的新尝试。 This article introduces a new attempt of adaptation of the mon