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学生正确、清晰、完整地掌握数学概念,是掌握数学知识的基础。如果学生对概念不明确,就无法听懂教师的讲解,无法学好新知识。自然,也会影响学生的学习兴趣和学习效果。学生概念清楚了,解答应用题的思路才能清楚;才能进行分析推理;逻辑思维能力和解题能力才能不断提高。因此,在教学中如何使学生形成概念,正确地掌握和运用概念是极为重要的。下面我就根据我的教学实践来说说概念教学的基本过程。根据小学生的认知规律,由直观到抽象,概念的形成教 Students correctly, clearly and completely grasp the concept of mathematics, mathematics knowledge is to master the foundation. If students are not clear about the concept, they can not understand the teacher’s explanation and can not learn new knowledge. Naturally, it also affects students’ interest in learning and learning. The concept of students is clear, answer the idea of ​​application problems can be clear; to analyze reasoning; logical thinking ability and ability to solve problems can continue to improve. Therefore, how to make students form a concept in teaching and correctly grasp and apply the concept is extremely important. Now I will say the basic process of concept teaching according to my teaching practice. According to the law of primary school students, from the visual to abstract, the formation of the concept of teaching
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