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前言高中政治教学不仅是宣扬我国政治文化理念的综合型课程,同时也是培养学生政治思想道德素质的主要渠道,在高中政治教学中融入时事政治教育,对提高学生政治思想觉悟有着极为重要的作用。现阶段单纯的政治理论学习已经难以满足教学发展的需要,因此深入分析高中政治教学的策略具有一定的现实意义。一、时事政治教学与高中政治教学结合的重要性(一)有利于提高学生剖析问题的能力随着新课程改革的不断深入,现阶段高中政治教学已经不 Preface Senior high school political teaching is not only a comprehensive curriculum to promote the concept of political culture in our country, but also the main channel to cultivate students' political and moral qualities. It is very important to improve political awareness of students in high school politics teaching. At this stage, the study of political theory alone can hardly meet the needs of the development of teaching. Therefore, it is of practical significance to thoroughly analyze the strategies of political teaching in senior high schools. First, the current political teaching and the importance of combining high school political teaching (A) is conducive to improving the ability of students to analyze problems With the deepening of the new curriculum reform, at this stage of high school political teaching has not
流感时原则上使用阿司匹林。但扑热息痛作为解热剂 ,原则上是可以使用的。按森岛研究组以往调查结果 ,使用此药死亡率高。甲灭酸和扑热息痛这两种药 ,有在重症的解热时被使用
Three strong earthquakes with magnitudes of MW 8.4, MW 7.9 and MW 7.0 occurred in the sea west of Sumatra Island on September 12 and 13, 2007. We relocated the
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所谓虚实结合,就是把眼前现实生活中的人景物的描写与回忆想象结合起来,或者是把抽象的事理与具体的描写结合起来。虚实结合在古典诗歌中是经常使用的一种表现手法。  虚实结合这一手法,表现形式很多,结合具体的诗歌,我们来看一下:  一、当前景象为实,对昨天的回忆为虚。如李白《越中览古》,前三句写越王勾践破吴凯旋的繁华,宫殿上笙歌四起,如花的宫女舞姿翩翩,媚眼相投,令一起宴饮的君臣目不暇接,醉不可支。正因越