
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nurgul2120
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The aim of this study was to investigate increase of QTc dispersion and P-wave dispersion during migraine attacks. Fifty-five patients (16-65 years of age, 49 women, six men) with migraine were included in our study. Heart rate, QTc interval, maximum and minimum QTc interval, QTc dispersion, maximum and minimum P-wave duration and P-wave dispersion were measured from 12-lead ECG recording during migraine attacks and pain-free periods. ECGs were transferred to a personal computer via a scanner and then used for magnification of ×400 by Adobe Photoshop software. Maximum QTc interval (454 ±24 ms vs. 429 ±23 ms, P < 0.001), QTc interval (443 ±26 ms vs. 408 ±22 ms, P < 0.001) and QTc dispersion (63 ±18 ms vs. 43 ±14 ms, P < 0.001) were found significantly higher during migraine attacks compared with pain-free periods. Maximum P-wave duration (107 ±11 ms vs. 100 ±11 ms, P < 0.001) and P-wave dispersion (45 ±13 ms vs. 35 ±13 ms, P < 0.001) were found higher during migraine attacks than pain-free periods. We concluded that migraine attacks are associated with increased QTc and P-wave dispersion compared with pain-free periods. The aim of this study was to investigate increase of QTc dispersion and P-wave dispersion during migraine attacks. Fifty-five patients (16-65 years of age, 49 women, six men) with migraine were included in our study. Heart rate, QTc interval, maximum and minimum QTc interval, QTc dispersion, maximum and minimum P-wave duration and P-wave dispersion were measured from 12-lead ECG recording during migraine attacks and pain-free periods. ECGs were transferred to a personal computer via a scanner and then used for magnification of × 400 by Adobe Photoshop software. Maximum QTc interval (454 ± 24 ms vs. 429 ± 23 ms, P <0.001), QTc interval (443 ± 26 ms vs. 408 ± 22 ms, P < 0.001) and QTc dispersion (63 ± 18 ms vs. 43 ± 14 ms, P <0.001) were found significantly higher during migraine attacks compared with pain-free periods. Maximum P-wave duration (107 ± 11 ms vs. 100 ± 11 ms, P <0.001) and P-wave dispersion (45 ± 13 ms vs. 35 ± 13 ms, P <0.001) were found higher during migraine attacks We meant that migraine attacks are associated with increased QTc and P-wave dispersion compared with pain-free periods.
一、教育的本质决定了它是社会物质资料再生产的必要条件 教育就是教育者根据一定的社会或阶级的要求,对受教育者所进行的一种有目的、有计划、有组织、有系统的传授知识技
Intrastriatal grafts of embryonic mesencephalic tissue can survive in the brains of patients with Parkinson’s disease, but the degree of symptomatic relief is
摘要:教师应站在学生的角度,思考符合他们自身特点的学习方式,这样才能培养他们的创新能力和自主意识。  关键词:换位思考;学生;学习方式  中图分类号:G427文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2014)03-022-1学生学习方式的转变是本次课程改革的显著特征。改变原有的单一、被动的学习方式,建立和形成旨在充分调动、发挥学生主体性的多样化的学习方式,促进学生在教师指导下主动地、富有个性
摘 要: 文章立足于课程理念精神,深入浅出地剖析怎样运用阅读对话策略,提高个性阅读课堂教学实效。  关键词: 阅读情境 揣摩词句 文本补白 个性思维  “阅读教学是学生、教师、文本之间对话的过程”。在小学语文阅读课堂活动中,教师创设各种阅读活动情境,让学生与学生、学生与教师、学生与文本有效对话,把整个阅读课堂建构成为学生个性化的阅读空间,促使学生自主参与阅读活动,形成个性化的閱读能力,提高阅读教学
和谐社会的构建是一项系统而繁重的工程,离不开民主党派的参与和支持。民主党派在这一过程中,发挥着重要作用,是构建社会主义和谐社会的协作力量、建设力量和促进力量。 The