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第一章总则第一条为了正确处理医疗事故,保障病员和医务人员的合法权益,维护医疗单位的工作秩序,根据国务院发布的《医疗事故处理办法》(以下简称《办法》)第二十七条的规定,制定本细则。第二条本细则适用于我省各级各类医疗单位和个体开业的医务人员。第三条在诊疗护理工作中,因医务人员诊疗护理过失,直接造成病员死亡、残废、组织器官损伤导致功能障碍的为医疗事故。第四条在诊疗护理工作中,有《办法》第三条规定的情形或者虽造成本细则第三条规定的后果但有下列情形之一的,不属于医疗事故: (一)医务人员没有诊疗护理过失的; (二)病员家属拒绝尸检而难以查明死因的; (三)在诊疗工作中应用新技术、新疗法、新药物之前,执行了请示报告制度,向病员或其家属说明了情况,征得病员或其家属签字同意,并作了充分的技术准备,仍发生意外的。 Chapter I General Provisions Article 1 In order to correctly handle medical accidents, protect the lawful rights and interests of patients and medical personnel and maintain the working order of medical units, according to the provisions of the Measures for the Handling of Medical Malactions (hereinafter referred to as the “Measures”) issued by the State Council, Article, the provisions of this rule. The second article applies to all levels of our province at all levels of medical units and individual medical personnel. Article 3 In the medical treatment and nursing work, because of the negligence of the medical staff in the treatment and care, it is a medical accident that directly causes the death, disability and organ dysfunction of the sick and wounded and causes the dysfunction. Article 4 In the work of medical treatment and nursing, there are any cases as provided for in Article 3 of the Measures or the consequences of Article 3 of these Detailed Rules, but not in any of the following cases: (1) Medical staff have no medical treatment (2) the patient’s family refuses an autopsy and is difficult to find out the cause of death; (3) before the application of new technologies, new therapies and new drugs in the diagnosis and treatment work, a reporting system is introduced to explain the situation to the patients or their families , Signed the consent of patients or their families, and made adequate technical preparations, there are still accidents.
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本文概要地总结了迄今应用水下声发射技术测试固体推进剂药条燃速方面的研究工作。文中简略地介绍了该项测试技术的原理,仪器设备、操作步骤、精度及应用实例。 This paper
中华人民共和国地质矿产部令 (第1号) 《全国地质资料汇交管理办法》已于1988年5月20日经国务院批准,现予发布施行。部长朱训 1988年7月1日第一条为了加强对地质工作成果资料
自适应发汗(Self—Contained Adaptive Transpiration—SCAT)鼻锥研制计划的总目的是,确定SCAT冷却方案用于人们所关心的高级再入弹头鼻锥的可能性。本合同的具体目的是:(1)
一、引言 连续计算命中点和连续计算投放点是现代空—地攻击最广泛应用的两种武器瞄准投放方法。精确的武器投放要求驾驶员适时地掌握标定目标和修正目标的时机,正确地判断